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Non-medical uses of ionising radiations


Chapter 10

  1. Presentation of non-medical activities using ionising radiations
    1. Sealed radioactive sources
      1. Industrial irradiation
      2. Non-destructive testing
      3. verification of physical parameters
      4. Other common applications
    2. Unsealed radioactive sources
    3. Electrical devices emitting ionising radiations
    4. Particle accelerators
    5. Worker dosimetry
  2. Regulating non-medical activities
    1. Licensing frameworks for ionising radiation sources used for non-medical purposes
    2. Licensing procedures
    3. Radionuclide source management rules
    4. Revocation of unjustified or prohibited activities
  3. Equipment inventory and ensuring compliance with the regulations
    1. Equipment inventory
    2. Ensuring compliance with the regulations
  4. Regulation of radiation sources
    1. Licences issued by ASN
    2. Regulation by ASN
    3. The main incidents and accidents in 2009
    4. End-of-life sealed sources
  5. Coordination with foreign authorities
  6. Monitoring of radioactive source protection against malicious acts
  7. Outlook

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In the field of regulating applications of ionising radiations in the non-medical sector, ASN's aim is to work to ensure that the operators take full account of the risks involved in the use of ionising radiations. This problem is accentuated by the diversity and numbers of the parties involved. Recent incidents in France and serious accidents abroad, for example in the field of gamma radiography, demonstrate once again the need for scrupulous implementation of the regulations and stringent operations. In this field, as in 2009, ASN is continuing with its priority measures through optimum use of its resources:

  •  the central level will in 2010 continue with supplier regulation, both through review of the authorisation dossiers and through inspections within the organisations concerned;

  • the regional levels, responsible for monitoring the users of radioactive sources or electrical devices emitting ionising radiations, will continue with surveillance and verifications at the users.

During the course of its regulatory activities, ASN must remain vigilant and determined concerning any deviations that could lead to events with serious consequences for workers or for the public. Following the incidents related to gamma radiography sources, it initiated specific, targeted monitoring actions on high-level sources. ASN also considers that the public needs to be more precisely informed of its regulation and inspection activities. The principle of the publication of ASN inspection follow-up letters will thus be expanded in 2010 to take in the non-medical sector.

The other actions initiated in previous years will be continued and supplemented in 2010 through:

  • continuation of the work to revise the licences issued to the manufacturers and suppliers of radioactive sources and the actions undertaken concerning the research sector;

  • extension of the licensing system for suppliers of electrical generators of ionising radiations used in the non-medical sector;

  •  inspections carried out, particularly with those using and in possession of gamma radiography devices and high-level sources.

ASN aims to maintain closer ties with all industrial and research stakeholders and organisations, one aspect of this being, when issuing its licences, to intensify its verifications on the extent to which the decision to use radioactivity is justified.

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