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ASN's organisation


L'organisation de l'ASN


Asn organisation chart

  • A commission of 5 commissioners

  • A director general's office

  • 8 departments

  • An office of administration

  • A management and expertise office

  • 11 regional divisions

The departments are organised thematically and manage national matters in the fields for which they are responsible.

The asn regional divisions conduct their activities under the authority of the regional representatives appointed by the asn chairman. They represent the asn chairman's in the regions and contribute to asn's public information role. The divisions perform most of the direct inspections of bnis, of radioactive material transport and of small-scale nuclear activities.

In emergency situations, the divisions assist the préfet. In a département, representative of the state appointed by the president of the department

Administrative region headed by a préfet, who is responsible for protecting the populations, and supervise the on-site operations to make the installation safe, if it is accessible or does not constitute a hazard.

Regional organisation

Asn comprises the headquarters and 11 regional divisions with responsibility for one or more administrative regions. This organisation enables asn to perform its regulation duties nationwide as well as in the overseas territories.

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