The Commission defines ASN's general nuclear safety and radiation protection policy.
Appointed by the president of the republique
Andre-claude Lacoste
Appointed for a period of 6 years

Michel Bourguignon
Appointed for a period of 2 years

Marc Sanson
Appointed for a period of 4 years

Appointed by the president of the senate
Jean-Rémi Gouze
Appointed for a period of 2 years and half

Appointed by the president of the national assembly
Marie-pierre Comets
Appointed for a period of 6 years
The commissioners perform their duties with total impartiality and receive no instructions from either the government or any other person or institution.
The commissioners perform their duties on a full-time basis. Their mandate is for six years and is not renewable.
A member may only be relieved of his or her duties if no longer capable of performing them or in the event of resignation duly confirmed by a majority of the commissioners at a meeting of the commission. The president of the republic may also relieve a member of the commission of his or her duties in the event of a serious breach of his or her obligations.
The commission takes decisions and issues opinions, published in the asn's official bulletin.
It defines asn's external relations policy, both domestically and internationally.
It defines asn's regulatory policy. The chairman appoints nuclear safety inspectors, radiation protection inspectors, conventional safety inspectors in the nuclear power plants and officers in charge of checking compliance with the requirements applicable to pressure vessels.
The commission opens an enquiry subsequent to an incident or accident. It drafts the report on nuclear safety and radiation protection in france. Its chairman presents asn’s activities to the competent commissions of the national assembly and the senate, as well as to the parliamentary office for the evaluation of scientific and technological choices.
It drafts asn internal regulations and appoints its representatives to the high committee for transparency and information on nuclear security.