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Regulation of nuclear activities and exposure to ionising radiations


Chapter 04

  1. Verifying that the licensee assumes its responsibilities
    1. Verifying compliance with regulations: a fundamental responsibility
    2. Building regulatory responsibilities on principles
    3. Regulating nuclear activities: a vast area
      1. Regulating nuclear safety
      2. Regulating activities entailing a risk of exposure to ionising radiations
      3. Regulating the enforcement of labour law in nuclear power plants
  2. Regulating in a way that is proportionate to the stakes involved in the activities
    1. Defining the stakes
    2. Deploying the principle of licensee responsibility
      1. Operations subject to a licensee internal authorisations procedure
      2. Internal monitoring of radiation protection by the users of ionising radiations
      3. Packages not requiring approval
    3. Increasing ASN regulation resources by approving organisations and laboratories
  3. Deploying the most efficient regulation and inspection means
    1. Assessing the supporting documents submitted by the licensee
      1. Analysing the information supplied by basic nuclear installation licensees
      2. Reviewing the procedures laid down by the public health code
    2. Inspecting facilities and activities
      1. Inspection objectives and principles
      2. Inspection resources
      3. Inspection of basic nuclear installations and pressure equipment in 2009
      4. Inspection of radioactive material transport in 2009
      5. Inspection of small-scale nuclear activities in 2009
      6. Inspection of ASN approved organisations and laboratories in 2009
      7. Monitoring of exposure to radon and natural ionising radiations in 2009
    3. Regulating the impact of nuclear activities on the environment
      1. Regulating basic nuclear installation discharges
      2. Assessing the radiological impact of nuclear activities
    4. Learning the lessons from significant events
      1. Anomaly detection and analysis
      2. Implementation of the approach
      3. Public information
      4. Statistical summary of events in 2009
    5. Raising awareness
    6. Conducting a technical inquiry in the event of an incident or accident concerning a nuclear activity
  4. Monitoring environmental radioactivity
    1. European context
    2. Environmental monitoring by the licensees
      1. Purpose of environmental monitoring
      2. Content of monitoring
    3. Environmental monitoring nationwide
    4. Maintaining measurement quality
      1. A new procedure for laboratory approval
      2. The approval commission
      3. Approval conditions
  5. Identifying and penalising infringements
    1. Ensuring that licensee penalty decisions are fair and consistent
    2. Tailoring the response to the stakes: a proportionate approach
      1. For basic nuclear installations and radioactive material transport
      2. For small-scale nuclear activities, approved organisations and laboratories
      3. For labour law
    3. Information about ASN's inspections
  6. Outlook

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In 2010, ASN scheduled 1,973 inspections on BNIs, radioactive material transport, activities using ionising radiations, organisations and laboratories it has approved and activities involving pressure equipment. In this field, it continued and developed its implementation of the proportionality principle, in order to enhance its regulation of activities involving high stakes.

In the field of worker radiation protection, an inspection campaign will be carried out in 2010, jointly with the DGT and the National Health Insurance Fund (CNAM) to ensure that the changes to the regulations in recent years are correctly taken into account.

Following the experiment with the significant events notification guide in the small-scale nuclear facilities sector, ASN will be revising the significant event notification guides for radiation protection. Once this work is complete, ASN will have defined the significant event notification criteria for all the activities it regulates.

The regulatory work in progress will in 2010 lead to a revision of the regime for organisations approved for radiation protection inspections. These changes aim to clarify ASN requirements concerning how they are organised and the nature of the inspections carried out.

With regard to monitoring of environmental radioactivity, ASN together with all stakeholders, especially IRSN, will define changes to the national monitoring strategy. These changes aim to take greater account of the expectations of society and develop a monitoring strategy that is proportionate to the issues and to the stakes.

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