Chapter 08 |
- The state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in the aquitaine, poitou-charentes and midi-pyrénées regions regulated by the bordeaux division
- The state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in the basse and haute normandie regions regulated by the caen division
- The state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in the picardie and champagne-ardenne regions regulated by the châlons-en-champagne division
- The state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in the bourgogne and franche-comté regions regulated by the dijon division
- The state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in the nord-pas-de-calais region regulated by the douai division
- The state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in the rhone-alpes and auvergne regions regulated by the lyon division
- The state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in the provence-alpes-côte-d’azur, languedoc-roussillon and corse regions regulated by the marseille division
- The state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in the pays de loire and brittany regions regulated by the nantes division
- The state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in the centre, limousin and ile-de-france regions regulated by the orleans division
- The state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in the ile-de-france region and overseas france and territorial communities regulated by the paris division
- The state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in the alsace and lorraine regions regulated by the strasbourg division
ASN has 11 regional divisions through which it carries out its regulatory responsibilities nationwide and in the Overseas France and Territorial Communities.
The ASN regional divisions carry out their activities under the authority of regional representatives.
The ASN divisions carry out direct inspections on the basic nuclear installations (BNIs), on radioactive material transport and on small-scale nuclear activities and investigate most of the licensing applications submitted to ASN by the nuclear activity licensees within their regions.
In emergency situations, the divisions assist the préfet of the département, who is responsible for protection of the population, and carry out on-site monitoring of the operations to safely operate the installation. To ensure preparedness for these situations, they take part in preparing the emergency plans drafted by the préfets and in periodic exercises.
The ASN divisions contribute to the public information duty. They for example take part in the meetings of the local information committees (CLIs) and maintain regular relations with the local media, elected officials, associations, licensees and local administrations.
Asn assessment of nuclear safety and radiation protection at the local level
The purpose of this chapter is, in addition to ASN's overall assessment of nuclear safety and radiation protection for each major activity and main licensee, to present an assessment of the situation observed locally by the ASN divisions.
The following sheets give a site by site review of nuclear safety and radiation protection in the nuclear installations of a given region: from the nuclear power plant (NPP) to the fuel cycle plants, from installations in operation to those undergoing decommissioning and from research facilities to radioactive waste disposal centres. The ASN divisions also give their view of radiation protection in the medical and industrial sectors and highlight a number of local actions particularly representative of the work done by ASN in the regions.
This new chapter, with its regional focus, is in line with that proposed on the new website Through its various information media, ASN thus aims to offer easier access to local information: from the latest news from the ASN divisions to life in the installations.