The Nuclear Safety Authority presents its Report
on the state of Nuclear Safety and Radiation
Protection in France in 2011.
This report is required by article 7 of the 13th June
2006 Act on transparency and security in the nuclear
field, now integrated into the Environment Code
(article L. 592-31).
It was submitted to the President of the Republic,
the Prime Minister and the Presidents of the Senate
and the National Assembly, pursuant to article 7
of the above-mentioned Act.
"There is a before
and after Fukushima"

ASN Commission.
Jean-Jacques DUMONT, Michel BOURGUIGNON, André-;Claude LACOSTE, Marie-Pierre COMETS et Philippe JAMET.
This is the fifth year running that the ASN Commission presents
the annual report on the state of Nuclear Safety and Radiation
Protection in France.
It represents an opportunity to conduct a first review of these five
years, before two members of the Commission, including the
Chairman, are replaced at the end of 2012.
As in previous years, 2011 was relatively satisfactory in France in
terms of nuclear safety and radiation protection. At the end of this
five-year period, it is worth highlighting the progress made in the
field of patient safety, owing to the rise in the number of
radiological physicists and the tightening up of procedures. Also
worthy of note is the progress achieved with regard to
transparency, in particular thanks to the work done by the French
High Committee for Transparency and Information on Nuclear
Security and by the local information committees, as well as the
publication by ASN of follow-up letters to all the inspections it
carries out and of the opinions of the Advisory Committees of
experts, which are an important factor in the decisions it takes.
The ASN Commission considers that there are a number of key
issues and challenges for the next few years.
The Fukushima accident
2011 was marked by the Fukushima accident. This major accident
reminded everyone that despite all the precautions taken, an
accident can never be completely ruled out. There is most clearly a
before and after Fukushima, because this accident raises
fundamental questions which go far beyond the specific
characteristics of the Fukushima reactors and how they were
operated. Full analysis of the feedback could take up to 10 years,
but ASN immediately initiated a series of targeted inspections on
topics related to the accident and a series of complementary safety
assessments on the French civil nuclear facilities. These
assessments are in response to the Prime Minister's 23rd March
2011 request for an audit of French facilities and that of the
European Council of 24th and 25th March 2011, for the
performance of stress tests on the European nuclear power
generating reactors. ASN published its report, which was
submitted to the Prime Minister and forwarded to the European
Commission in early 2012.
Subsequent to the complementary safety assessments, ASN
considers that the level of safety in the facilities examined is high
enough not to require that any of them be shutdown. At the same
time, it considers that their continued operation is conditional
upon increasing their robustness to extreme situations, over and
above their existing safety margins, as rapidly as possible. It
therefore imposes a range of measures on the licensees.
Furthermore, ASN considers that social, organisational and human
factors are a key aspect of safety. It will thus be particularly
attentive to the renewal of licensee staff and skills, as well as how
the use of subcontractors is organised. All the steps taken and the
opinions issued by ASN following the Fukushima accident are
described in the "Fukushima: one year later" part.
A process of peer-review of the national reports, conducted at a
European level, has already started and should continue until June
2012. ASN will draw its conclusions from the results of these peer
In order to improve safety worldwide, it is essential that there be
complete feedback from the Fukushima accident and Europe must
promote the stress tests approach and results internationally. A
major step will be the extraordinary meeting of the Convention on
Nuclear Safety, to be held in Vienna at the end of August 2012.
As part of the energy debate currently ongoing in France, ASN
would recall that, whichever scenario is chosen, the safety of the
nuclear facilities must be guaranteed in all circumstances, whether
in terms of construction, operation or decommissioning. ASN will
ensure that the necessary investments are made and that sufficient
skills are maintained for all the scenarios.
It stresses the fact that were reactor operations to be continued
beyond 40 years, this would require significant safety
improvements, in particular with respect to severe accidents. It
would adopt as its benchmark the safety objectives of the new
reactors (EPR), taking account of the experience feedback from the
Fukushima accident. ASN will require shutdown of those facilities
unable to achieve the required level of safety. In this context, to
avoid creating situations in which the demands of safety conflict
with those of energy supply, it is crucial to be able to anticipate the
renewal of electricity production capacity, whichever production
method is chosen.
Radioactive waste management
In the field of the regulation of radioactive waste management,
2012 will be devoted to preparing the new edition of the national
radioactive materials and waste management plan (PNGMDR)
(2013-2015), which is a key element in waste management
because its aim is to ensure that there are reliable management
solutions for each category of radioactive material and waste, to
identify the foreseeable needs in terms of storage and disposal
facilities and to define all the corresponding steps and measures to
be taken. ASN considers that in terms of nuclear safety and
radiation protection, it is essential that for each category of waste,
there is a management and disposal solution and that this solution
is put into place as rapidly as possible. ASN will ensure that the
preparations for the public debate concerning the geological
disposal project for intermediate level and high level, long-lived
waste, which should take place in 2013, are carried out in the best
possible conditions. Prior to the examination of the application file
for such a disposal facility, it will continue to work on the subject
of reversibility with its European counterparts.
Regulating the medical sector
After radiotherapy, ASN focused its efforts on medical imaging,
which represents significant issues in terms of radiation protection
of patients.
The performance of medical imaging, in particular computed
tomography, is continuing to rise, leading to improvements in
diagnosis quality, more precisely targeted therapeutic strategies and
treatment under radiological visual control. However, this is also
leading to a significant rise in the average dose per inhabitant, a
trend that is being observed worldwide. ASN therefore considers
that it is becoming urgent to take steps to control this rise in doses.
In addition to increasing the number of MRI machines, it
recommends working with the health professionals on reinforcing
application of the principle of the justification of radiological
examinations and with the equipment manufacturers on
equipment optimisation. This is a subject on which it works
together with its European counterparts within the Heads of
European Radiological Protection Competent Authorities
association, HERCA.
It also stresses the importance of continuing research into
individual radiation sensitivity with a view to developing a
detection test. It would appear that about 10% of the population is
hyper-sensitive to ionising radiation, as a result of genetic
anomalies in the signalling and repair of DNA damage, itself a
factor in the onset of cancers. Individual radiation sensitivity
would also seem to be responsible for serious undesirable effects
observed in radiotherapy, even when no dose error is involved. A
routine detection test would help ensure progress in radiobiology,
radiation protection and cancerology.
Regulating source security
The aim of achieving consistency between the radiation protection
and security approaches (in other words the prevention of
malicious acts) led ASN to suggest to the Government that it take
charge of regulating source security, an area for which there was as
yet no specific framework. The principle was adopted in 2008. An
Act is needed to entrust this mission to ASN. The relevant
provisions were included in a Bill intended, among other things, to
ratify the ordinance of 5th January 2012 which codified the
TSN Act. ASN has begun to set up an organisation to take charge
of this new role.
Construction of a European nuclear safety
and radiation protection area
For ASN, the construction of a European nuclear safety and
radiation protection area has always been a major objective. The
construction of this area has made progress, with the adoption of
two European directives, one in 2009 on nuclear safety, the other
in 2011 on the management of radioactive waste and spent fuel.
The first European conference on nuclear safety was also held in
Brussels in June 2011. The work done by WENRA, the Western
European Nuclear Regulators' Association, enabled the
specifications to be rapidly drafted for the European stress tests
conducted subsequent to the Fukushima accident.
In the same way, work is progressing within HERCA on, for
example, medical imaging. ASN will continue to heavily involved
at a European level, so that Europe can discuss its positions with
its American and Asian colleagues and promote them.
Faced with the challenges mentioned, in particular the need to
improve the approach to safety in order to take account of the
lessons learned from the Fukushima disaster, ASN will continue to
carry out its role of regulating nuclear safety and radiation
protection, while striving to strengthen the implementation of its
four fundamental values: competence, independence, rigor and
transparency. ASN will continue with its goal of improving nuclear
safety worldwide. The quality of its own staff and the expertise
contributed by those at IRSN are key factors in its success.