Chapter 09 |
- Presentation of the equipment inventory
- Medical radiodiagnosis
- Interventional radiology
- Dental radiodiagnosis
- Technical rules for radiology and tomography installations
- Presentation of nuclear medicine activities
- In vivo diagnosis
- In vitro diagnosis
- Targeted internal radiotherapy
- The new nuclear medicine tracers
- Nuclear medicine unit organisation and operating rules
- Description of the techniques
- External-beam radiotherapy
- Brachytherapy
- The new radiotherapy techniques
- Technical rules applicable to installations
- Technical rules applicable to external-beam radiotherapy installations
- Technical rules applicable to brachytherapy installations
- Description
- Blood product irradiator statistics
- Technical rules applicable to installations
- Exposure situations in the medical field
- Exposure of health professionals
- Exposure of patients
- Exposure of the general public and environmental impact
- Some general indicators
- Authorisations and declarations
- Dosimetry of medical staff
- Report on significant radiation protection events
- The radiation protection situation in radiotherapy
- Radiation protection of radiotherapy staff
- Radiation protection of radiotherapy patients
- Summary
- The radiation protection situation in nuclear medicine
- Radiation protection of nuclear medicine staff
- Radiation protection of nuclear medicine patients
- Protection of the general public and the environment
- Summary
- The radiation protection situation of patients in conventional radiology and computed tomography
- The radiation protection situation in interventional radiology
- Radiation protection of interventional radiology staff
- Radiation protection of interventional radiology patients
- Summary
The gradual improvement in the safety of radiotherapy procedures,
year after year since 2007, observed by ASN through its
inspections, must be continued in order to achieve complete
control of procedures and thus guarantee the radiation protection
of the patients. In this new quality management culture,
ASN will remain particularly attentive in its inspections to the
identification and internal analysis of deviations, which is the
only way to ensure permanent improvement and progress. The
centres which are still understaffed with medical physicists will
continue to be the subject of particularly close attention.
In the medical imaging field, following the publication of two
decisions in July 2011, jointly with the health administrations
and the health professionals, ASN will be organising detailed
monitoring of the steps taken to achieve true control of the
doses delivered to the patients in conventional radiology and in
computed tomography and to improve radiation protection in
the field of interventional practices. ASN will in particular
remain highly attentive to the question of human resources and
the corresponding skills, on the one hand to ensure compliance
with the provisions of the Labour Code in operating theatres
where radiology equipment is used and, on the other, to enable
medical physicists to intervene in all fields of medical imaging,
computed tomography and interventional radiology.
In the field of medical physics, the efforts made since 2007 to
boost the numbers of medical physicists, must be continued in
order to meet the medical imaging needs. In 2012, ASN will
prepare recommendations for the health authorities, so that the
organisation and implementation of the regulations applicable
to medical physicists are consolidated, with regard to the involvement
of professionals, other than medical physicists, in the
performance of medical physics tasks.
Finally, ASN will play an active part in the work overseen by
the French national authority for health, concerning the assessment
of clinical practices exposing individuals to ionising radiation
for medical purposes. This work began in November 2011