IRRS follow-up mission to France - October 2017

46 Status of the finding in the initial mission Suggestion 21 (S21) is closed on the basis of progress made and confidence in effective completion as a result of the comprehensiveness of oversight tools available to ASN to assess operator EPR arrangements as well as the documented course of action for implementation of an emergency evaluation inspired by ONR practices. 10.4. ROLE OF REGULATORY BODY DURING RESPONSE 2014 MISSION RECOMMENDATIONS, SUGGESTIONS S22 Suggestion: The ASN should consider including all critical strategic interfaces, including senior government and political officials in some exercises to test the effectiveness of the role of ASN as an advisor to the government during an emergency. Changes since the initial IRRS mission Suggestion 22: Major nuclear exercises are organized by the Prime Minister services (SGDSN) every three years, and these include senior staff and Government officials. The coordination and decision-making system used for nuclear emergencies, Centre Inter-Ministeriel de Crise (CIC) is the same as used for all-hazard situations (for example, floods, fires, security incidents, etc). Although political official rarely, if ever, participate in nuclear emergency exercise, they are regularly required to use the CIC for real events. Accordingly, senior government and political officials are kept familiar with the national crisis management and decision making system, which would be used for a nuclear emergency. The most recent Major Exercise was held in 2016. During this exercise, ASN senior leadership participated in CIC play with other senior government officials. The next exercise at this level is expected in 2019. Status of the finding in the initial mission Suggestion 22 (S22) is closed as a result of participation of ASN and senior government officials’ participation in Major Nuclear Exercises every three years.