ASN Report 2020
Melox plant Created in 1990 and operated by Orano, the Melox plant (BNI 151) produces MOX fuel which consists of a mix of uranium and plutonium oxides. ASN considers that the level of nuclear safety and radiation protection of the Melox plant is on the whole satisfactory. The containment barriers, on which a large part of the safety case is based, are effective and robust. The licensee is continuing its efforts to deal with the breaks in containment that can occur under normal operating conditions. The radiation exposure risks are addressed with rigour, and the licensee is continuing the work to improve dosimetry in the context of ageing facilities and the necessary optimisation of work stations. The dosimetry at the lens of the eye remains a subject of concern, particularly with regard to exposure measurement. The work to develop ergonomic radiation protection glasses adapted to the sight of each employee is completed. On 24 June 2020, the licensee notif ied ASN of a signif icant event rated level 2 on the INES scale concerning exceeding of the annual dose limit. The licensee’s analysis did not reveal any technical malfunctioning or error on the part of the operator. Nevertheless, corrective measures and complementary studies are going to be implemented, particularly with regard to the workstation ergonomics. The rating of this event might change in the light of the complementary work initiated on the committed dose evaluation. In April 2020, ASN authorised updating of the safety baseline requirements further to the examination of the periodic safety review report submitted in 2013. In October 2018, the licensee submitted a Periodic Safety Review Guidance File (DOR) to ASN, for which the next concluding report must be submitted in 2021. ASN issued a position statement on this DOR in the second half of 2020 and sent the licensee some additional requests. With regard to the lessons learned f rom the Fukushima Daiichi NPP accident, the licensee was able to resume cons truction of the new emergency centre following the technical, contractual and health crisis difficulties encountered in 2020. The licensee has taken temporary measures, such as the deployment of a fall-back emergency centre, to make up for the delay. Centraco plant The Centraco plant (BNI 160), was created in 1996 and is operated by Cyclife France, a 100% subsidiary of EDF. The purpose of the Centraco plant is to sort, decontaminate, reuse, treat and package – particularly by reducing their volume – waste and effluents with low and very low levels of radioactivity. The waste resulting f rom the plant’s processes is then routed to Andra’s CSA repository. The facility comprises: • a melting unit, melting a maximum of 3,500 tonnes of metallic waste per year; • an incineration unit, incinerating amaximumof 3,000 tonnes of solid waste and 2,000 tonnes of liquid waste per year; • and storage areas. ASN considers that the level of nuclear safety and radiation protection in the facility is on the whole satisfactory. The licensee must nevertheless improve the content of its files in order to meet the regulatory requirements. ASN considers that the safety management organisation put in place during the pandemic is on the whole satisfactory. In-service monitoring of the pressure equipment has been improved further to the inspection on this subject in 2019. A request to modify the On-Site Emergency Plan was sub mitted to ASN in 2020 to bring it into compliance with the provisions of ASN resolution 2017-DC-0592 of 13 June 2017 concerning the obligations of BNI licensees regarding emergency situation preparedness and management. In May 2020, a fire started in the waste introduction chamber of the facility’s incineration furnace, the main cause of which is a recurrent equipment fault. This event was rated level 1 on the INES scale. The licensee is deploying corrective measures to prevent recurrence. Lastly, in August 2020, ASN requested numerous complements to the DOR submitted in May 2019 for the next periodic safety review of BNI 160, for which the report was submitted in February 2021. Gammatec ioniser The Gammatec ioniser (BNI 170), is an industrial irradiator operated by the company Stéris since 2013. Gammatec treats products by ionisation (emission of gamma radiation) with the aim of sterilising them or improving the performance of the materials. The installation consists of an industrial bunker and an experimental bunker. Both bunkers contain sealed sources of cobalt-60 which provide the radiation necessary for the facility’s activity. ASN considers that the level of nuclear safety and radiation protection of the facility in 2020 is on the whole satisfactory. The licensee must remain attentive to ensuring compliance with the technical requirements for monitoring discharges and effluent transfers and to the formalising of all periodic inspection and test results. ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2020 89 REGIONAL OVERVIEWOF NUCLEAR SAFETY AND RADIATION PROTECTION OCCITANIE