ASN Report 2020
BNI 80 comprises: • HAO North, spent fuel unloading and storage site; • HAO South, where the shearing and dissolution operations were carried out; • the “filtration” building, which accommodates the filtration system for the HAO South pool; • the HAO silo, in which are stored the hulls and end- pieces (f ragments of cladding and fuel end-pieces) in bulk, f ines coming primarily f rom shearing, and resins and technological waste from the operation of the HAO facility between 1976 and 1997; • the SOC (Organised Storage of Hulls), comprising three pools in which the drums containing the hulls and end- pieces are stored. In 2020, the licensee continued the operations prior to retrieval of the waste from the HAO silo (notably the fitting out of the future waste retrieval unit) and the tests important to safety which began in 2019. The legacy fission product solutions stored in the SPF2 unit of the UP2-400 plant For the packaging of the f ission products from the repro cessing of the GCR reactor fuels and containing molybdenum in particular (PF UMo), the licensee has opted for cold crucible vitrification. The package thus produced is a standard package of vitrified UMo waste. The treatment and packaging of the f ission “UMo” products contained in the SPF2 facility tanks were completed in July 2020, thereby meeting the deadline set by ASN resolution 2019-DC-0665 of 9 April 2019. ASN considers that the vitrification of these solutions constitutes a significant improvement for the safety of these old facilities due to the reduction in their potential source term in the event of an accident. ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2020 83 REGIONAL OVERVIEWOF NUCLEAR SAFETY AND RADIATION PROTECTION NORMANDIE