ASN Report 2020
Orano has moreover conducted an initial analysis of the feedback f rom the entry into service of this retrieval unit and has identif ied organisational improvements in the management of this type of project. These improvements concern in particular the consolidation of the methodology for transferring the facility from the project teams – including those responsible for the tests – to the future licensee’s teams. ASN considers this approach to be positive. HAO silo and Organised Storage of Hulls (SOC) The HAO (Oxide High Activity) facility (BNI 80) ensured the first steps of the spent nuclear fuel reprocessing process: reception, storage, then shearing and dissolution. The dissolution solutions produced in BNI 80 were then transferred to the UP2-400 industrial plant in which the subsequent reprocessing operations took place. Assessment of the La Hague site ASN considers that the performance of the Orano La Hague site in 2020 is satisfactory in the areas of nuclear safety, radiation protection and environmental protection. As far as the management of the Covid-19 pandemic health crisis is concerned, ASN notes that Orano managed to adapt its organisation and its modes of functioning to cope with the health risk, while maintaining the required standard of safety in its facilities in operation. Orano moreover maintained the activity of some decommissioning worksites representint significant risks. With regard to nuclear safety, ASN considers that the site’s performance remained satisfactory. Nevertheless, the detection of new delays in the performance of several periodic inspections should prompt the licensee to question the adequacy of the corrective actions already implemented to comply with the planned frequency. With regard to operational management and the operating activities, Orano must demonstrate greater rigour in the formalisation of operator authorisations in the control room. In addition, ASN will continue to be attentive to the deployment of the facility’s different operating teams. Improvement actions have also been undertaken for the management of risks involving hazardous substances and the control of conformity of the site’s Installations Classified for Protection of the Environment. ASN considers that they are satisfactory and will be watchful for the occurrence of new drifts in this respect. ASN considers that the licensee must continue its efforts in the monitoring of outside contractors, particularly through the improvement of the monitoring means and the changes in its organisation. The licensee must also show greater rigour in the monitoring of certain services, particularly those involving fewer activities, by ensuring that the applicable regulatory requirements are integrated. Lastly, in 2021 ASN will examine Orano’s request for a waiver to the principle of the licensee’s direct operational responsibility, a consequence of the Orano group restructuring. In this context, ASN will check the added value introduced by this new organisation and see to the maintaining of the licensee’s technical skills for the day-to-day operation of the site facilities undergoing decommissioning. ASN considers that the licensee’s organisation for controlling fire risks deteriorated in 2021. Delays have been noted in the performance of some compliance work. The licensee must also endeavour to draw full benefit from the lessons learned from the fire outbreak in February 2020 on the laundry storage platform. Lastly, ASN will be particularly attentive in 2021 to the match between the fire intervention times provided in its safety case and those observed during exercises, and the efficiency of the fire-fighting operational organization. Unannounced situational scenarios will continue to be played out on this subject. With regard to radiation protection, ASN notes that the La Hague site’s organisation and its results are on the whole satisfactory. This being said, the sampling checks carried out reveal that there are still divergences between the operational documents and the various computing aids for monitoring the regulatory checks. The licensee must thus ensure that these checks are carried out exhaustively. ASN considers that Orano must also improve the traceability of application of the recommendations or reservations expressed at the radiation protection committee meetings. Lastly, ASN will remain attentive to the experience feedback for the new radiation protection organisation implemented on the La Hague site. The environmental protection performance of the site is on the whole satisfactory. ASN notes favourably the action plan implemented for the prevention of flows and the unplanned dispersion of radioactive or hazardous liquid substances into the environment. Nevertheless, greater rigour must be applied in the depositing of waste at the collection points provided for that purpose in the facilities. With regard to the management of the decommissioning and legacy waste retrieval and packaging projects, ASN considers that the licensee’s reflections into the fundamental improvements of project organisation and management must be continued in order to meet Orano’s commitment deadlines, which are transcribed in ASN requirements or decrees. As regards project management, ASN has noted the implementation of methods of functioning that should foster greater robustness. In addition, the licensee must define the potential impact of the health crisis on the time frames of the various projects or operations and take appropriate corrective measures. In 2021, ASN will be particularly attentive to the assessment of the benefit resulting from implementation of these various improvements by Orano, particularly with regard to rigour in project management and the activity risk analyses. 82 ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2020 REGIONAL OVERVIEWOF NUCLEAR SAFETY AND RADIATION PROTECTION