ASN Report 2020
1. Radioactive waste Pursuant to the provisions of the Environment Code, the producers of spent fuel and radioactive waste are responsible for these substances, without prejudice to the liability of those who hold these substances in their role as persons or entities responsible for nuclear activities. Radioactive waste must be managed in accordance with specific procedures. Waste producers must pursue the objective of minimising the volume and harmfulness of their waste, both before production by appropriate design and operation of the facilities, and after production by appropriate sorting, treatment and packaging. The types of radioactive waste differ widely in their radioactivity (specific activity, nature of the radiation, half-life) and their form (scrap metal, rubble, oils, etc.). Two main parameters can be used to assess the radiological risk that radioactive waste represents: firstly the activity, which contributes to the toxicity of the waste, and secondly the half-life of the radionuclides present in the waste which determines the required waste containment time A distinction is therefore made between very low, low, intermediate and high-level waste on the one hand and, on the other hand, very short-lived waste (whose activity level is halved in less than 100 days) resulting mainly from medical activities, short-lived waste (chiefly containing radio nuclides whose activity level is halved in less than 31 years) and long-lived waste (which contains a large quantity of radionuclides whose activity level is halved in more than 31 years). Each type of waste requires the implementation of an appropriate and safe management solution in order to control the risks it represents, particularly the radiological risk. 1.1 Management of radioactive waste (except mining tailings and waste rock) The management of radioactive waste is defined in Article L. 542‑1-1 of the Environment Code. It comprises all the activities associated with the handling, preliminary treatment, treatment, packaging, storage and disposal of radioactive waste, excluding off-site transportation. ASN oversees the activities associated with the management of radioactive waste from Basic Nuclear Installations (BNIs) or small-scale nuclear activities, other than those linked to national defence which are overseen by Defence Nuclear Safety Authority (ASND) and those relative to Installations Classified for Protection This chapter presents the role and actions of the French Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN) in the management of radioactive waste and the management of sites and soils contaminated by radioactive substances. It describes in particular the actions taken to define and set the broad guidelines for radioactive waste management. According to Article L. 542-1-1 of the Environment Code, radioactive waste consists of radioactive substances for which no subsequent use is planned or envisaged or which have been re-qualified as such by the administrative authority in application of Article L. 542-13-2 of this same Code. The waste comes from nuclear activities involving artificial or natural radioactive substances, from the moment this radioactivity justifies the implementation of radiation protection controls. A site contaminated by radioactive substances is any site, either abandoned or in operation, on which natural or artificial radioactive substances have been or are employed or stored in conditions such that the site can present risks for health and the environment. Contamination by radioactive substances can result from industrial, craft, medical or research activities. On 21 February 2020, further to the conclusions of the public debate held in 2019, the Minister of Ecological Transition and the Chairman of ASN published a resolution setting out the guidelines of the 5th French Radioactive Material and Waste Management Plan (PNGMDR). In the second half of 2020 and early 2021, ASN also published its opinions, for each management route, on the studies submitted under the PNGMDR 2016-2018. In 2019, ASN and the Defence Nuclear Safety Authority (ASND), issued a joint position statement on the decommissioning and waste management strategy of the Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), submitted in 2016. In 2020, ASN and ASND, in collaboration with the General Directorate for Energy and Climate (DGEC), initiated an approach to monitor implementation of this strategy. Lastly, in 2020 ASN continued, in collaboration with ASND, examining Orano’s decommissioning and waste management strategy file. In order to verify Orano’s ability to meet its strategy deadlines, ASN initiated an innovative project management inspection procedure in 2019 and 2020. Radioactive waste and contaminated sites and soils 14 356 ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2020