ASN Report 2020
between the two Authorities. Olivier Gupta, President of WENRA, also gave an update on the activities of WENRA. FINLAND A technical meeting between ASN and the Finnish safety regulator (STUK) was held on 17 and 18 November 2020 , via video-conference. The discussions primarily concerned topical technical subjects regarding the EPRs in each of the two countries. JAPAN The annual meeting with the Japanese nuclear safety regulator (NRA), scheduled for September, could not take place. Similarly, technical visits involving ASN’s Lyon regional division had to be postponed. Remote information exchanges on current issues concerning the two regulators were however fruitful (safety management during the health crisis, operating license for the fuel reprocessing plant at Rokkasho, extension of the La Hague off-site emergency plan, management of tritiated water from Fukushima Daiichi, etc.). Moreover, at the invitation of the NRA, an ASN Commissioner took part in a meeting in Tokyo and Fukushima to prepare for the event to mark 10 years since the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi NPP. LUXEMBOURG The Franco-Luxembourg joint Commission on nuclear safety held its 18th meeting on 4 February 2020 at the ASN headquarters in Montrouge. The Commission comprises the national and Prefect level competent authorities and the Ministries of Foreign Affairs. It discussed recent developments in the two countries regarding nuclear safety and radiation protection, including the 2019 report on the Cattenom NPP, current issues in the medical field (graduated approach, radiotherapy inspections, justification files for new practices), periodic safety reviews on the French NPP fleet, and the preparation for and management of emergency situations, notably the experience feedback from the emergency exercise carried out in the Chooz NPP. POLAND In parallel with the official visit by the President of the Republic to Poland, the ASN Chairman, Bernard Doroszczuk, met his counterpart, Dr Młynarkiewicz, on 3 February 2020 . The meeting covered the continued cooperation between ASN and the Polish Nuclear Power Programme (PAA), notably for the future construction of nuclear power reactors in Poland. It was impossible to hold the bilateral meeting scheduled for 2020. RUSSIA The bilateral meeting scheduled to take place in Moscow in April with the Russian nuclear safety regulator ( Rostechnadzor ) was cancelled, as were the technical meetings and site visits planned for the Leningrad NPP. To the extent possible, these meetings and technical exchanges will be rescheduled for 2021. SWEDEN The annual meeting between ASN and its Swedish counterpart, the SSM, initially planned for 2020, had to be postponed to 2021. The two regulators however held a virtual meeting in October 2020, during the course of technical discussions with the Orléans regional division. These discussions mainly concerned the management of routine activities during the health crisis, and more particularly inspection practices. SWITZERLAND The Franco-Swiss commission was created as an inter- governmental body and involves several competent authorities at both national and Prefect levels. This commission did not meet in 2020 owing to the health crisis. With regard to ASN, this Commission involves both the head office departments and the ASN Lyon and Strasbourg regional divisions. 5.2 ASN assistance actions in a bilateral framework ASN may be required to respond to assistance requests via bilateral actions with the safety regulator of the country concerned, in addition to the European (INSC) and international (RCF) instruments. The purpose of this cooperation is to enable the beneficiary countries to acquire the safety culture and transparency that are essential for a national system of nuclear safety and radiation protection oversight. Nuclear safety oversight must be based on national competence and ASN consequently only provides support for the establishment of an adequate national framework, ensuring that the national safety regulator Bilateral meeting between the Spanish nuclear safety regulator and ASN – 26 November 2020 JM. Serena, Chairman (CSN) P. Chaumet-Riffaud (ASN) JL. Lachaume (ASN) P. Lucio (CSN) B. Doroszczuk, Chairman (ASN) J. Tirira (ASN) FJ. Montero (CSN) F. Castejon (CSN) R. Isasia (CSN) 204 ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2020 06 – INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS