ASN Report 2020
2.4.2 The Institute of Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety The IRSN implements a policy of information and communication that is consistent with the objectives agreement signed with the Government. The TECV Act obliged the IRSN to render public the opinions it issues to the authorities who referred matters to it. Thus since March 2016, the IRSN publishes twice monthly on its website all the opinions it issues at the request of ASN. These opinions are the synthesis of the expert assessment carried out by the IRSN in response to ASN’s request. On subjects of concern that prompt questions on the part of the public or the public actors, ASN and the IRSN ensure that their statements are properly coordinated in order to guarantee coherent, clear and consistent information. Alongside this, each year the IRSN makes public the results of its research and development programs, with the exception of those concerning national Defence. In the context of a referral from ASN and with ASN consent, the IRSN can request the participation of informed audiences, neighbourhood residents, or even the public at large. The IRSN in this case provides them with information that is complete and understandable, and in return notes their subjects of concern and their questions in order to integrate them in the expert assessment work carried out for ASN. 7. The operating framework for the CLIs is defined by Articles L. 125-17 to L. 125-33 of the Environment Code and by Decree 2008-251 of 12 March 2008 relative to the CLIs for the BNIs, and by Decree 2019-190 of 14 March 2019 codifying the provisions applicable to BNIs, to the transport of radioactive substances and to transparency in the nuclear field. 8. In the current situation, only the ASN inspectors and the experts accompanying them have an enforceable right of access to the licensee’s facilities. This means that the consent of the licensee is necessary for observers from CLIs to participate in inspections. 2.4.3 The Local Information or Monitoring Committees The CLIs often have a general mandate of monitoring, informing and consultation with regard to nuclear safety and radiation protection. They analyse the impacts on people and the environment of the nuclear activities of the installations of the nuclear sites around which they have been set up (7) . ASN considers that the smooth functioning of the CLIs contrib utes to safety and it maintains a meaningful dialogue with them. It is attentive to ensuring that the CLIs are as fully informed as possible, including by attending their public meetings. In partnership with Anccli, ASN fosters the networking of the CLI special advisors and gives the CLIs the necessary tools and assistance for them to provide reliable information to “layman” audiences. ASN assisted the CLIs at their request: on technical issues through its inspectors, and on questions of dissemination of information through its communication supervisors. The ASN-IRSN exhibition was made available to the CLIs whenever requested. The ASN inspectors can also give the CLI representatives the opportunity to take part in inspections (8) . They motivate the BNI licensees to facilitate CLI access to files of the procedures in which their opinion will be required, and encourage involving the CLIs in the preparation of emergency exercises. The functional framework of the Local Information Committees and the Site Monitoring Committees The Local Information Committees (CLIs), whose creation is incumbent upon the President of the Departmental Council, comprise various categories of members: representatives of département General Councils, of the municipal councils or of the deliberative assemblies of the groups of communities and the Regional Councils concerned, members of Parliament elected in the département , representatives of environmental protection associations or of economic interests and representatives of employee trade union and medical profession union organisations, and qualified personalities. The representatives of State services, including ASN, and of the licensee have an automatic right to participate in the work of a CLI in an advisory capacity. The TECV Act provides for the participation of foreign members in the CLIs of border département s. The CLIs are chaired by the President of the Departmental Council or by an elected official from the département designated by the President for this purpose. They receive the information they need to fulfil their functions from the licensee, from ASN and from other State services. They may request expert assessments or have measurements taken on the installation’s discharges into the environment. All Basic Nuclear Installation (BNI) sites have a CLI, except for the Ionisos facility in Dagneux in the Ain département . The CLIs are funded by the regional authorities, and by ASN which devotes about 1.25 million euros per year to the financial support of the CLIs and their national federation, Anccli. Within the framework of its reflections on the financing of the oversight of nuclear safety and radiation protection, ASN regularly suggests to the Government the application of the provision of the TSN Act of 13 June 2006, to add to the budget of the CLIs with association status (there are about ten of them) with a matching contribution of funds drawn from the BNI Tax. With regard to former nuclear sites, research laboratories and waste treatment sites, Site Monitoring Commissions (CSS) are gradually replacing the CLIs in application of the Decree of 7 February 2012 (*) .Providing frameworks for discussion and information concerning the actions of the licensees of the targeted installations, they promote the informing of the public. They are, for example, kept informed of the incidents and accidents affecting the installations – and even of installation creation, extension or modification projects. ASN is invited to the meetings of the monitoring committees for defence sites and former mining sites. * In application of Article L. 125-2-1 of the Environment Code. 192 ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2020 05 – INFORMING THE PUBLIC AND OTHER AUDIENCES