ASN Report 2020
4. Outlook The year 2020 was marked by the health crisis. ASN nonetheless made sure that its emergency alert system was available at all times, notably thanks to its on-call team which remains available and reachable 24/7 and to the adaptation of its Montrouge Emergency Centre to take account of the health instructions (distance between workstations, mandatory mask- wearing, remote-working, etc.). Most of the national nuclear emergency exercises in 2020 were cancelled, so ASN carried out simulations with its on-call team in order to ensure their readiness, notably with regard to the initial response when a radiological emergency situation is triggered. ASN will also exercise greater vigilance in preparedness for the management of emergency situations in 2021 by taking part in all the national exercises and reinforcing its internal and external training efforts. ASN also made sure that the crisis organisation at the licensees remained fully operational, by continuing with regular discussion meetings and, during the course of inspections, by verifying the effectiveness of the Covid-19 related measures taken (see page 12 – ‘Covid-19’ in the introduction to this report). With regard to management of the post-accident phase, the Codirpa continued its work following its new mandate received from the Prime Minister for the period 2020-2024. This new mandate is the opportunity to develop the Codirpa’s working methods in order to reinforce the contribution of local stakeholders to the preparation of the recommendations made by the committee to the Government (see page 28 – Notable Events – Codirpa in the introduction to this report). Finally, ASN will continue with its information and support actions regarding changes to post-accident doctrine for all the stakeholders (local information committees, licensees, State departments, etc.). ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2020 183 04 – RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY AND POST-ACCIDENT SITUATIONS 04