ASN Report 2020
3.1.6 Inspection of ASN approved organisations and laboratories ASN carries out a second level of inspection on approved organisations and laboratories. In addition to reviewing the application file and issuing the approval, this comprises surveillance actions such as: ∙ approval audits (initial or renewal audit); ∙ checks to ensure that the organisation and operation of the entity concerned comply with the applicable requirements; ∙ supervisory checks, which are usually unannounced, to ensure that the organisation’s staff work in satisfactory conditions. In 2020, 115 inspector-days were devoted to checking approved organisations and laboratories, corresponding to 73 inspections, 34% of which were unannounced, plus 19 remote inspections. 3.1.7 Checks on exposure to Radon and Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials ASN also checks radiation protection in premises where the exposure of persons to naturally occurring radiation may be reinforced owing to the underlying geological context (radon in buildings open to the public and in the workplace). Monitoring exposure to radon Article R. 1333-33 of the Public Health Code states that the activity concentration of radon in buildings open to the public is measured either by the IRSN, or by organisations approved by ASN. These measurements are to be taken between 15 September of a given year and 30 April of the following year. Article R. 4451-44 of the Labour Code stipulates that, whenever required, the initial checks on the radon activity concentration in areas identified owing to the radon risk must be carried out by accredited organisations or by organisations approved by ASN. The number of approved organisations, depending on the type of measurement, is given in Table 5. Monitoring natural radioactivity in water intended for human consumption Natural radioactivity in water intended for human consumption is monitored by the Regional Health Agencies (ARS). The procedures used for these checks take account of the recommendations issued by ASN and taken up in the 13 June 2007 Circular from the General Directorate for Health. The results of the checks are jointly analysed and utilised by ASN and the services of the Ministry of Health. 3.2 Assessment of the demonstrations provided by the licensee The purpose of the files supplied by the licensee is to demonstrate compliance with the objectives set by the general technical regulations, as well as those that it has set for itself. ASN is required to check the completeness of the data and the quality of the demonstration. The review of these files may lead ASN to accept or to reject the licensee’s proposals, to ask for additional information or studies or to ask for work to be done to bring the relevant items into conformity. TABLE 5 Number of organisations approved for measuring radon levels (*) NUMBER OF APPROVED ORGANISATIONS (AS AT 12/31/2020) Level 1 option A (**) 102 Level 1 option B (***) 14 Level 2 (****) 12 * The IRSN is also competent for the measurement of radon (R. 1333‑36 of the Public Health Code). ** Workplaces and premises open to the public for all building types. *** Workplaces, cavities and underground structures (except buildings). **** Represents complementary investigations. TABLE 6 Breakdown of inspection days by topic in 2020 (including remote inspection days) PER FIELD NUMBER OF DAYS (COORDINATION + CO-COORDINATION) INSPECTIONS PERFORMED % ON SITE % ONDOCUMENT % MIXED Basic Nuclear Installation/PressurisedWater Reactor 2,097 402 8% 15% 77% Basic Nuclear Installation/Laboratories Plants Waste and Decommissioning 1,359 267 16% 15% 69% Basic Nuclear Installation/Pressure Equipment 435 82 16% 23% 61% Small-scale nuclear activities/Industry 807 248 7% 20% 73% Small-scale nuclear activities/Medical 1,509 328 1% 30% 70% Small-scale nuclear activities/Natural radioactivity 35 9 0% 67% 33% Small-scale nuclear activities/Polluted sites and ground 3 2 0% 0% 100% Small-scale nuclear activities/Research 190 50 0% 18% 82% Small-scale nuclear activities/Veterinary 96 31 0% 16% 84% Transport of radioactive substances 235 62 15% 23% 63% Approved Organisations/Approved laboratories 374 92 4% 21% 75% Total 7,137 1,573 8% 20% 72% ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2020 155 03 – REGULATION OF NUCLEAR ACTIVITIES AND EXPOSURE TO IONISING RADIATION 03