ASN Report 2020
Advisory Committee for Radiation Protection for Industrial and Research Applications of Ionising Radiation and in the Environment (GPRADE) Chaired by Jean-Paul Samain, the GPRADE comprises 30 experts appointed for their competence in the fields of radiation protection of workers (other than health professionals) and the public, for industrial and research applications using ionising radiation and for exposure to ionising radiation of natural origin, and protection of the environment. In 2020, it held two plenary meetings, one of which was organised jointly with the GPMED. A call for candidates will be issued during the course of 2021, in preparation for the renewal of the Committee scheduled for December 2021. Advisory Committee for Nuclear Reactors (GPR) The GPR is chaired by Thierry Charles and comprises 35 experts appointed for their competence in the field of nuclear reactors. In 2020, it held two plenary meetings, including the meeting to examine the results of the 4th periodic safety review of the 900 MWe reactors. This meeting was open to the members of the GPESPN, the Anccli, the CLIs concerned and to associations. Advisory Committee for Transport (GPT) The GPT currently has no Chair and comprises 25 experts appointed for their competence in the field of transport. It did not meet in 2020. Advisory Committee for Laboratories and Plants (GPU) The GPU is chaired by Alain Dorison and comprises 32 experts appointed for their competence in the field of laboratories and plants concerned by radioactive substances. In 2020, it was consulted once during an on-line meeting on the ASN draft guide on criticality control. It held a plenary meeting dedicated to the periodic safety review of BNI 118, which it had visited beforehand. 2.5.3 Scientific Committee ASN calls on the expertise of a Scientific Committee reporting to the Commission, in order to assist it with identifying research subjects to be conducted or taken further in the fields of nuclear safety and radiation protection. In a decision dated 6 November 2018, the ASN Commission appointed the nine members of the Scientific Committee for four years, on the basis of their expertise notably in the fields of research. Under the Chairmanship of Michel Schwarz, the Committee comprises Benoît De Boeck, Jean-Marc Cavedon, Edward Lazo, Catherine Luccioni, Antoine Masson, Jean-Claude Micaelli, Christelle Roy and Marc Vannerem. The Scientific Committee maintained its two annual plenary meetings in 2020. It also continued its meetings with the research laboratories, notably with respect to the ageing of non-metallic materials. In the field of radiation protection, it drafted an opinion on the research to be carried out in relation to internal exposure to uranium and the various chemical forms of tritium. This opinion will be published at the beginning of 2021. 2.5.4 The ASN’s other technical support organisations To diversify its expertise and benefit from other particular skills, ASN committed credits of €45,000 in 2020. In 2020, ASN notably received support for the continued development of the inspection of complex licensee projects. 2.6 The pluralistic working groups ASN has set up several pluralistic working groups; they enable the stakeholders to take part in developing doctrines, defining action plans or monitoring their implementation. 2.6.1 The working group on the National Radioactive Material and Waste Management Plan Article L.542-1-2 of the Environment Code requires the drafting of a PNGMDR, which is revised every three years and serves to review the existing management procedures for radioactive materials and waste, to identify the foreseeable needs for storage and disposal facilities, specify the necessary capacity of these facilities and the storage durations and, for radioactive waste for which there is as yet no final management solution, determine the objectives to be met. The Working Group tasked with drafting the PNGMDR comprises environmental protection associations, experts, representatives from industry and regulatory authorities, alongside the radioactive waste producers and managers. It is co-chaired by the General Directorate for Energy and the Climate at the Ministry for Ecological Transition and by ASN. The work of the PNGMDR working group is presented in greater detail in chapter 14. 2.6.2 The Steering Committee for Managing the Nuclear Post-Accident Phase Pursuant to an Interministerial Directive of 7 April 2005 on the action of the public authorities in the case of an event leading to a radiological emergency situation, ASN, together with the ministerial departments concerned, is tasked with defining, preparing for and implementing the necessary measures to manage a post-accident situation. In order to develop a doctrine and after testing post-accident management during national and international exercises, ASN brought all the players concerned together within the Steering Committee responsible for Post-Accident Management (Codirpa). This committee, headed by ASN, has representatives from the ministerial departments concerned, the health agencies, associations, the CLI, and the IRSN. The work of the Codirpa is presented in greater detail in chapter 4. 2.6.3 The Committee for the Analysis of New Techniques and Practices using Ionising Radiation The Committee for the Analysis of New Techniques and Practices using Ionising Radiation (Canpri) was created on 8 July 2019. It is chaired by ASN, comprises 16 experts appointed by ASN, representing their learned societies, and representatives of the French health institutions. This committee met on 22 September 2020. 2.6.4 The other pluralistic working groups Considering that it was necessary to move forward with regard to the reflections and work being done on the contribution of humans and organisations to the safety of nuclear facilities, ASN decided in 2012 to set up the Steering Committee for Social, Organisational and Human Factors (Cofsoh). The end- purposes of the Cofsoh are firstly to allow exchanges between the stakeholders on the difficult subject of social, organisational and human factors, and secondly to draw up documents proposing 140 ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2020 02 – THE PRINCIPLES OF NUCLEAR SAFETY AND RADIATION PROTECTION AND THE REGULATION AND OVERSIGHT STAKEHOLDERS