ASN Report 2020
changes to regulations, or on a general nuclear safety or radiation protection topic. As an expert assessment body, the members of the Advisory Committees are required to abide by the provisions of the external expert assessment charter in Appendix 2 to the ASN internal rules of procedure. Each member of an Advisory Committee draws up a declaration of interest (which is made public in the particular case of the GPMED which deals with health products questions, in accordance with the health expert assessment charter of 21 May 2013 as set out in Article L. 1452-2 of the Public Health Code). The provisions concerning the prevention of conflicts of interest were reinforced at the end of 2019, with the adoption of the new internal regulations common to the eight GPEs. More specifically, an organisation was defined for identifying ties and conflicts of interest and for dealing with them in an appropriate manner. Since 2009, as part of its commitment to transparency in nuclear safety and radiation protection, ASN has published the GPE letters of referral, the opinions of the GPEs and ASN's position statements based on these opinions. The IRSN for its part publishes the summaries of the technical investigation reports it presents to the GPEs. Advisory Committee for Decommissioning (GPDEM) Chaired by Michèle Viala, the GPDEM comprises 33 experts appointed for their competence in the field of BNI decommission ing. The GPDEM was consulted once with regard to the decom missioning project for the Phébus facility. This consultation will continue in 2021. Advisory Committee for Waste (GPD) The Advisory Committee for Waste (GPD) is chaired by Pierre Bérest and comprises 38 experts appointed for their competence in the nuclear, geological and mining fields. An on-line information meeting was held in 2020, jointly with Andra and the IRSN. The GPD was thus consulted on several topics, including bituminous waste. Advisory Committee for Nuclear Pressure Equipment (GPESPN) Since 2009, the GPESPN has replaced the Standing Nuclear Section of the CCAP. This latter was replaced as of 28 December 2016 by a standing sub-committee of the CSPRT (see point 2.4.3). The GPESPN has been chaired by Matthieu Schuler since 6 October 2018 and comprises 29 experts appointed for their competence in the field of pressure equipment. In 2020, it held two plenary meetings, including the final meeting which closed the file on the in-service resistance of the 900 Megawatts electric (MWe) reactor pressure vessels. It was asked to take part in the meeting of the GPR on the results of the 4th periodic safety review of the 900 MWe reactors. Advisory Committee for Radiation Protection in Medical and Forensic Applications of Ionising Radiation (GPMED) Chaired by Bernard Aubert, the GPMED comprises 36 experts appointed for their competence in the field of radiation protection of health professionals, the general public and patients and for medical and forensic applications of ionising radiation. In 2020, it held two plenary meetings, one of which was organised jointly with the GPRADE. A call for candidates will be issued during the course of 2021, in preparation for the renewal of the Committee scheduled for December 2021. TABLE 1 Advisory Committee meetings in 2020 GPE DATE MAIN TOPIC GPR 12 and 13 November 2020 • Results of the generic phase of the 4th periodic safety review of the 900MWe reactors GPR 17 and 23 November 2020 • Periodic safety review of the High Flux Reactor (RHF – BNI 67) operated by the Laue-Langevin Institute (ILL) GPESPN 8 September 2020 • In-service resistance of 900 MWe reactor pressure vessels during the 10 year period following their 4th ten-yearly outage GPESPN 26 November 2020 • Updating of “inconel zones of main primary system of reactors of the 900, 1,300 and 1,450 MWe plant series” f ile (except Fessenheim) GPU Online consultation from 20 May to 15 June 2020 • Draft Guide No. 26 Management of criticality risk in BNIs (ASN/IRSN guide) GPU 12 October 2020 • Periodic safety review of BNI 118 (STE3) of the La Hague facility: health and environment impact assessment GPDEM Online consultation from 5 June to 6 July 2020 • Decommissioning and safety review f ile for Phébus (BNI 92) GPD Online consultation from 3 July to 30 September 2020 • ASN presentations: bituminous waste; results of PNGMDR public debate; GPE internal regulations • The IRSN presentations: physico-chemical behaviour of drums of bituminous waste; Cigéo disposal of bituminous waste; harmfulness of radioactive materials and waste • Andra technical document: disposal of drums of bituminous waste; gradual development of the Cigéo disposal centre and corresponding decisionmilestones GPRADE 3 March 2020 • GPRADE recommendations concerning occupational exposure to radon GPMED and GPRADE 6 October 2020 • Operating results and review of changes to the Advisory Committees • Presentation of work by the working group on updating of the national Guide Medical intervention in the case of a nuclear or radiological event • Presentation of the Guide for assessment of the radiological impact on fauna and flora (GPRADE) GPMED 1 December 2020 • Workingmethodology and prospects for the revision of the diagnostic reference levels (NRD) ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2020 139 02 – THE PRINCIPLES OF NUCLEAR SAFETY AND RADIATION PROTECTION AND THE REGULATION AND OVERSIGHT STAKEHOLDERS 02