ASN Report 2020
∙ the Health, Safety and Working Conditions Committee (CHSCT) with competence for all questions concerning the occupational health and safety of ASN staff. These three bodies allow wide-ranging and regular internal discussions on all subjects affecting its organisation, its operations and the working environment of its personnel. During the course of 2020, the ASN SDC met on two occasions to tackle various subjects and, for some of them, issued an opinion on texts presented by the administration: Covid-19 and organisation of the continuity of activity; inspection procedures in a pandemic context; management guidelines regarding mobility and enhancement of career paths at ASN; working of the training committee; training results, social balance, information concerning senior positions. The SDC meetings were also an opportunity to review the results of arrangements such as home-working during the lockdown period, or the new organisation of the departments and the home- working and flexible home-working experiments. For its part, the CHSCT focused on ensuring that occupational health and safety aspects were taken into account in ASN’s organisational and operational changes and in the performance of its duties. It met twice in 2020 in ordinary session and four times in extraordinary session. Regular remote meetings between the personnel representatives and the administration were held during the lockdown and post-lockdown periods, to share information and discuss adaptations to the organisational and operational instructions needed given the developing health context. The debates and exchanges with the personnel representatives mainly concerned Covid-19 and the prevention of occupational risks, during the course of inspections, but also with regard to the staff’s return to the sites. All of the measures taken were formalised in "mementos" submitted to the CHSCT for its opinion. A reporting system for acts of violence, discrimination, moral or sexual harassment, or sexist actions within ASN, drawn up jointly with the personnel representatives, was approved by the CHSCT. As every year, the CHSCT also examined the annual general health and safety situation, the radiation protection balance, or the SST (occupational health services) results at the CEA. Coordination of the prevention assistants network continued remotely and the network actively participated in drafting the return to site memento. The members of the CHSCT received SST training. Finally, at the beginning of 2020, the CHSCT sent a delegation to visit the headquarters (DCN). The scheduled visits to Marseille and Paris had to be postponed. Finally, in consultation with the members of the CHSCT and with the assistance of the network of prevention assistants, the administration continued its actions to improve the prevention of occupational risks and updated the consolidated Occupational Risks Assessment Document (DUERP). For its part, the Joint Consultative Commission (CCP), with competence for contractual staff, met twice in 2020. The debates primarily concerned the processes for increasing the salaries of ASN contractual staff and their career development and mobility projects. It should be noted that regarding the actions decided on by the CCP, and for the third consecutive year, the administration organised a meeting in September 2020, bringing together all the ASN contract staff members. Professional ethics The ethical rules concerning the ASN commissioners, staff and experts, as set out in several legislative and regulatory texts since 2011, are compiled in the two appendices to the ASN internal rules of procedure adopted in 2018: the first contains provisions regarding the professional ethics of the commissioners and staff, while the second contains provisions concerning external analysis and assessment performed at the request of ASN, for example by the Advisory Committees (see below). The rules in force at ASN, with the aim of preventing conflicts of interest, more specifically include the following declaration obligations: ∙ Public Declaration of Interests (DPI) stipulated in Article L. 1451-1 (derived from Act 2011-2012 of 29 December 2011 on strengthening the safety of drugs and health products) and Articles R. 1451-1 and following of the Public Health Code: the 4 July 2012 decision CODEP-CLF-2012-033820 by the ASN Chairman applies the DPI requirements to the members of the Commission, the management committee and the Advisory Committee for Radiation Protection for Medical and Forensic Applications of Ionising Radiation (GPMED). Until mid‑July 2017, the DPI were posted on the ASN website. The DPI are henceforth declared on the single remote-declaration site. About sixty people are subject to the DPI; ∙ Declarations of interests and assets to the High Authority for Transparency in Public Life (HATVP) derived from Act 2013‑907 of 11 October 2013 on Transparency in Public Life: the members of the Commission submit their declarations on the HATVP website. The same applies to the Director General, the Deputy Director Generals, and the Office of Administration since 15 February 2017 following modification of the Act of 13 October 2013; ∙ “Civil service” declaration of interests introduced by Act 2016‑483 of 20 April 2016 into Article 25 of Act 83-634 of 13 July 1983 and governed by Decree 2016-1967 of 28 December 2016: the professional ethics coordinator and the ASN staff carrying out labour inspectorate duties in the NPPs are subject to this obligation; ∙ Management by the ASN Director General of his or her financial instruments in conditions which preclude all right of review on his or her part, pursuant to article 25 quater of the 13 July 1983 Act and Decree 2017-547 of 13 April 2017: the ASN Director General submitted justification data to the HATVP before 2 November 2017. In a decision dated 28 January 2020, the ASN Chairman appointed Alain Dorison as professional ethics coordinator. Procedures for collecting internal ethics alerts from ASN personnel, pursuant to Act 2016-1691 of 9 December 2016 and Decree 2017‑564 of 19 April 2017 were also put into place. The alert concerns an ethical problem, but also the case of a staff member witnessing a misdemeanour or serious prejudice during the exercise of their duties. In addition to the obligations recalled above, ASN defined a new internal monitoring procedure for staff wishing to work in the private sector or requesting permission to add a professional activity in order to create or take over a company, in accordance with Act 2019-828 of 6 August 2019 on the transformation of the civil service and Decree 2020-69 of 30 January 2020. Actions to raise personnel awareness in order to enhance the in-house ethics culture and prevent conflicts of interest were also carried out, such as placing practical documents on-line on the intranet (for example, on the prevention of conflicts of interest and the role of ethical supervision in the event of departures to the private sector), the inclusion of a module on professional ethics rules applicable to ASN staff during training sessions held for new arrivals and a video ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2020 135 02 – THE PRINCIPLES OF NUCLEAR SAFETY AND RADIATION PROTECTION AND THE REGULATION AND OVERSIGHT STAKEHOLDERS 02