ASN Report 2017
84 1. The general framework for the legislation and regulation of nuclear activities 86 1.1 The regulatory basis of nuclear activities 1.1.1 Radiation protection international baseline requirements 1.1.2 The legal framework applicable to the regulation of nuclear activities in France 1.2 The legal framework applicable to the various categories of individuals and the various situations involving exposure to ionising radiation 1.2.1 General protection of workers 1.2.2 General protection of the population 1.2.3 Protection of persons in a radiological emergency situation 1.2.4 Protection of the general public in a long-term exposure situation 2. Regulatory requirements applicable to small-scale nuclear activities 96 2.1 Procedures and rules applicable to small-scale nuclear activities 2.1.1 The existing licensing system and its changes 2.1.2 The new registration system 2.1.3 The notification system and its update 2.1.4 Licensing the suppliers of ionising radiation sources 2.1.5 Approval of radiation protection technical supervision organisations 2.1.6 The rules for the design of facilities 2.1.7 Radioactive sources management rules 2.2 Protection of persons exposed for medical purposes 2.2.1 Justification of practices 2.2.2 Optimisation of exposure 2.2.3 Radiological examination with no direct medical indication 2.3 Protection of persons exposed to a natural source of ionising radiation 2.3.1 Protection of persons exposed to radon 2.3.2 Other sources of exposure to “enhanced” natural radiation 3. The legal system applicable to basic nuclear installations 102 3.1 The legal bases 3.1.1 International conventions and standards 3.1.2 European texts 3.1.3 National texts 3.2 General technical regulations 3.2.1 Ministerial Orders 3.2.2 ASN regulations 3.2.3 Basic Safety Rules and ASN guides 3.2.4 French nuclear industry professional codes and standards 3.3 Plant authorisation decrees and commissioning licenses 3.3.1 Safety options 3.3.2 Public debate 3.3.3 The Creation Authorisation 3.3.4 Commissioning authorisation 3.3.5 BNI modifications 3.4 Particular requirements for the prevention of pollution and detrimental effects 3.4.1 The OSPAR Convention 3.4.2 The ESPOO Convention 3.4.3 ASN resolution 2013-DC-0360 of 16th July 2013 concerning the control of detrimental effects and the health and environmental impact of BNIs 3.4.4 BNI discharges 3.4.5 Prevention of accidental pollution 3.5 Requirements concerning radioactive waste and decommissioning 3.5.1 Management of BNI radioactive waste 3.5.2 Decommissioning 3.5.3 The financing of decommissioning and radioactive waste management 3.6 Particular requirements for pressure equipment 4. Regulations governing the transport of radioactive substances 118 4.1 International regulations 4.2 National regulations 5. Requirements applicable to certain risks or certain particular activities 119 5.1 Sites and soils contaminated by radioactive substances 5.2 ICPEs utilising radioactive substances 5.3 The regulatory framework for protection against malicious acts in nuclear facilities 5.4 The particular system for defence-related nuclear activities and installations 6. Outlook 121 Appendix 122 The collection of ASN guides Regulation exposure limits and dose levels