ASN Report 2017
80 ASN report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2017 Chapter 02 - The principles of nuclear safety and radiation protection and the regulation and oversight stakeholders Climate at the Ministry for Ecological and Solidarity-based Transition and by ASN. The work of the PNGMDR WG is presented in greater detail in chapter 16. 2.6.2 The Steering Committee for Managing the Nuclear Post-Accident Phase Pursuant to an Interministerial Directive of 7th April 2005 on the action of the public authorities in the case of an event leading to a radiological emergency situation, ASN is tasked, together with the ministerial departments concerned, with defining, preparing for and implementing the necessary measures to manage a post-accident situation. In order to develop a doctrine and after testing post-accident management during national and international exercises, ASN brought all the players concerned together within the Codirpa (Steering Committee responsible for Post-Accident Management). This committee, headed by ASN, has representatives from the ministerial departments concerned, the health agencies, associations, the CLI, and IRSN. The work of the Codirpa is presented in greater detail in chapter 5. 2.6.3 The other pluralistic working groups Considering that it was necessary to move forward with regard to the reflections and work being done on the contribution of humans and organisations to the safety of nuclear facilities, ASN therefore decided in 2012 to set up the Steering Committee for Social, Organisational and Human Factors (COFSOH). The purpose of the COFSOH is on the one hand to allow exchanges between stakeholders on such a difficult subject as social, organisational and human factors and, on the other, to draft documents proposing common positions by the various members of the COFSOH on a given subject, along with guidelines for future studies to shed light TABLE 1: Advisory Committee meetings and visits in 2017 GPE MAIN TOPIC DATE GPRADE Kick-off meeting - Summary of previous mandate - Draft programme 2017-2020 31st January GPR OEF from EDF NPP reactors and foreign reactors over the 2012-2014 period 1st February GPR Stress tests - Accident prevention and management - Hardened safety core operations 2nd February GPMED Validation of opinions concerning radioactive human remains and dose constraints in a medical environment 28th February GPU Visit to BNIs 33, 38 and 47 (Areva) - La Hague 14th and 21st March GPD/GPU Cigéo technical information meeting 21st March GPR Draft guide presenting recommendations for the design of pressurised water reactors 24th March GPD C5 package - acceptability for deep disposal 28th March GPRADE Post-accident management of non-foodstuff products - 2017-2020 Programme 30th March GPU Areva NC plant at La Hague Request for final shutdown and complete decommissioning of BNIs 33 and 38 and periodic safety reviews 19th April GPMED 2017-2020 Programme - Updating of 2015 medical imaging plan - 3rd version of draft opinion on the recommendations 12th May GPD/GPU Cigéo project safety options 18th and 19th May GPT Additional evaluations applied to the transport of radioactive substances 12th June GPU/GPD Visit to BNI 149 (Aube repository) 13th June GPR Strength criteria for nuclear fuel of pressurised water reactors 15th June GPESPN Analysis of the consequences of the anomaly in the Flamanville EPR reactor vessel head domes on their serviceability 26th and 27th June GPT New approval - TN G3 package model 6th July GPD Meeting between the GPD and its German counterpart in Hildesheim 11th and 13th September GPMED Dosimetry in on-board imaging - Quality controls during patient pre-treatment for radiotherapy 3rd October GPRADE OEF from the association of GPRADE with GPEs on nuclear safety - Radon in tap water Transposition of Directive 2013/59/Euratom 5th October GPU Visit to Areva BNI 63 (CERCA) in Romans-sur-Isère 14th November GPU Periodic safety review of BNI 63 21st November