ASN Report 2017
76 ASN report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2017 Chapter 02 - The principles of nuclear safety and radiation protection and the regulation and oversight stakeholders since 1st October 2014, the members of the Commission have submitted their declarations on the HATVP website. The same applies to the Director General (DG), the Deputy Director Generals, the Secretary and assistant, since 15th February 2017 (modification of the Act of 13th October 2013 by Act 2016- 1691 by 9th December 2016 extending the declaration obligations to the persons occupying these functions); ཛྷ ཛྷ “Civil service” declaration of interests introduced by Act 2016-483 of 20th April 2016 into Article 25 ter of Act 83-634 of 13th July 1983 and governed by Decree 2016-1967 of 28th December 2016 (see 2-3° for ASN): the decision defining ASN positions subject to the declaration of interests in this respect will be adopted jointly with the new internal rules of procedure; ཛྷ ཛྷ Management by the ASN Director General of his financial instruments in conditions which precludes all right of review on his part, pursuant to Article 25 quater of the 13th July 1983 Act and Decree 2017-547 of 13th April 2017: the ASN DG submitted substantiating data to the HATVP before 2nd November 2017. Appointment of a professional ethics coordinator pursuant to Article 28 bis of the 13th July 1983 Act and Decree 2017-519 of 10th April 2017: in a decision of 6th November 2017, the ASN Chairman appointed Henri Legrand as ASN professional ethics coordinator. Implementation of procedures for collecting internal ethics alerts from ASN personnel, pursuant to Act 2016-1691 of 9th December 2016 and Decree 2017-564 of 19th April 2017: these procedures will be defined in the ASN internal rules of procedure. Over and above the implementation of the obligations recalled above, provision is also made for actions to raise personnel awareness in order to improve the internal professional ethics culture and prevent conflicts of interest, such as the posting of practical documents on the intranet (e.g.: information notice of 21st March 2017 on the prevention of conflicts of interest and the role of the civil service professional ethics commission), or a recent intervention on “rules of professional ethics applicable to ASN staff” during the “getting to know ASN” sessions organised for new arrivals. Financial resources ASN’s financial resources are presented in point 3. In its opinion of 1st June 2017, despite the efforts made by the Government and Parliament over the three-year period from 2015 to 2017, ASN considers that its headcount remains insufficient to deal fully with the unprecedented challenges previously identified. ASN management tools The Multi-year Strategic Plan The Multi-year Strategic Plan (PSP), produced under the authority of the ASN Commission, develops ASN’s strategic lines for a period of several years. It is presented annually in an operational orientation document that sets the year’s priorities for ASN, and which is in turn adapted by each entity into an annual action plan that is subject to periodic monitoring. This three-level approach is an essential part of ASN’s organisation and management. The PSP for the 2018-2020 period comprises the following five strategic points: ཛྷ ཛྷ reinforce implementation of a graded and efficient approach to our regulation and oversight; ཛྷ ཛྷ improve the running of technical assessments; ཛྷ ཛྷ reinforce the efficiency of our actions in the field; ཛྷ ཛྷ consolidate our operation to the benefit of regulation and oversight; ཛྷ ཛྷ promote the French and European safety approach on the international stage. The PSP 2018-2020 is accessible on . FOCUS ASN international audits (IRRS missions) In 2006, ASN hosted the first IRRS (Integrated Regulatory Review Service) mission concerning all the activities of a safety regulator, with a follow-up mission in 2009. These audits are the result of the European Nuclear Safety Directive which requires a peer review mission every ten years. In October 2017, the French system for the regulation of nuclear safety and radiation protection underwent an IAEA assessment of the steps taken following the review carried out at the end of 2014. During the course of the 2017 assessment, the IRRS team observed that steps had been taken to address 14 of the 16 recommendations made by the 2014 mission. It considered that ASN had made significant progress in improving its management system and had drawn up general policy principles including safety culture aspects in training, self-assessment and management. It noted that ASN had increased its financial and human resources, while making efficiency savings across its activities and improving its resources planning. It underlined the need for ASN to continue concentrating on resources management to ensure that they enable future challenges to be met, more particularly the periodic safety reviews, the NPP operating life extension, the graded approach to issues and new responsibilities, such as supervision of the supply chain and the security of radioactive sources. The reports for the 2006, 2009, 2014 and 2017 IRRS missions are available for consultation on . ASN considers that the IRRS missions make a significant contribution to the international safety and radiation protection system. ASN is thus closely involved in hosting missions in France and in participating in missions in other countries.