ASN Report 2017
72 ASN report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2017 Chapter 02 - The principles of nuclear safety and radiation protection and the regulation and oversight stakeholders ཛྷ ཛྷ The Waste, Research Facilities and Fuel Cycle Department (DRC) is responsible for monitoring nuclear fuel cycle facilities, research facilities, nuclear installations being decommissioned, contaminated sites and radioactive waste management. It takes part in monitoring and inspecting the Bure underground research laboratory and the research facilities covered by international conventions, such as CERN or ITER. The DRC comprises five Branches: “Radioactive Waste Management”; “Cross-disciplinary Laboratory-plant- waste-decommissioning and research facilities subjects”; “Fuel Cycle Installations”; “Reactors Decommissioning and Cycle Front-end”; “Office of decommissioning, Cycle back- end and Legacy Situations”. ཛྷ ཛྷ The Ionising Radiation and Health Department (DIS) is tasked with regulating medical applications of ionising radiation and - in collaboration with IRSN and the various health authorities - with organising the scientific, health and medical watch with regard to the effects of ionising radiation on health. It contributes to the drafting of the regulations in the field of radiation protection, including with respect to natural ionising radiation, and the updating of health protection measures should a nuclear or radiological event take place. The DIS comprises two Branches: “Exposure in the Medical Sector” and “Exposure of Workers and the Public”. ཛྷ ཛྷ The Environment and Emergency Department (DEU) is responsible for monitoring environmental protection and managing emergency situations. It establishes policy on nationwide radiological monitoring and on the provision of information to the public and helps to ensure that discharges from BNIs are as low as reasonably achievable, in particular by establishing general regulations. It contributes to defining the framework of the organisation of the public authorities and nuclear licensees in the management of emergency situations. Finally, it defines ASN’s oversight and regulation policy. The DEU comprises three Branches: “Safety and Emergency Preparedness”, “Environment and Prevention of Nuisances” and “Development of Regulations”. ཛྷ ཛྷ The International Relations Department (DRI) coordinates ASN’s bilateral, European and multilateral actions on the international stage, both formal and informal. It develops exchanges with ASN’s foreign counterparts in order to promote and explain the French approach and practices with regard to nuclear safety and radiation protection and to gain a greater understanding of practices abroad. It provides the countries concerned with useful information about the safety of French nuclear facilities, more specifically those which are located close to the borders. The DRI coordinates ASN representation in cooperative structures created under bilateral agreements or arrangements, but also within formal international bodies such as the European Union (ENSREG – European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group – which it chairs), the IAEA or the OECD’s Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA). It ensures similar coordination in the more informal structures taking the form of associations (e.g.: WENRA – Western European Nuclear Regulators Association, INRA – International Nuclear Regulators Association) or cooperative groups under multilateral State-based initiatives (e.g.: NSSG – Nuclear Safety and Security Working group, under the G7). From left to right: Christophe Kassiotis, Alain Rivière, Remy Catteau, Fabien Feron, Simon Liu, Jean-Luc Godet, Frédéric Joureau, Céline Acharian and Daniel Delalande (Bénédicte Genthon, not in photo) (1st January 2018). THE DIRECTORS From left to right: Pierre Boquel, Marie Thomines, Pierre Bois, Remy Zmyslony, Aubert Le Brozec, Hélène Heron, Marc Champion, Jean-Michel Férat, Hermine Durand, Bastien Poubeau and Pierre Siefridt (1st January 2018). THE REGIONAL DIVISION HEADS From left to right: Annick Bonneville, Vincent Motyka, Emmanuelle Gay, Patrice Guyot, Jérôme Goellner, Christophe Chassande, Patrick Berg, Françoise Noars, Thierry Vatin and Corinne Taurasi. THE REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVES