ASN Report 2017
68 ASN report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2017 Chapter 02 - The principles of nuclear safety and radiation protection and the regulation and oversight stakeholders 2.2.1 Ministers responsible for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection On the advice of and, as applicable, further to proposals from ASN, the Minister responsible for Nuclear Safety defines the general regulations applicable to BNIs and those concerning the construction and use of Pressure Equipment (PE) specifically designed for these installations. Also on the advice of and, as applicable, further to proposals from ASN, this same Minister takes major licensing decisions concerning: ཛྷ ཛྷ the design, construction, operation and decommissioning of BNIs; ཛྷ ཛྷ the design, construction, operation, closure and decommissioning, as well as the surveillance, of radioactive waste disposal facilities. If an installation presents serious risks, the above-mentioned Minister can suspend the operation of an installation on the advice of ASN. Furthermore - and on the basis of ASN proposals if necessary - the Minister responsible for Radiation Protection defines the general regulations applicable to radiation protection. The regulation of worker radiation protection is the responsibility of the Minister for Labour. That concerning the radiation protection of patients is the responsibility of the Minister for Health. The Ministers responsible for Nuclear Safety and for Radiation Protection approve the ASN internal rules of procedure by means of an Interministerial Order. Each of them also approves ASN technical regulations and certain licensing decisions (setting BNI discharge limits, delicensing a BNI, etc.) affecting their own particular field. The Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Mission The Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Mission, within the General Directorate for Risk Prevention at the Ministry for Ecological and Solidarity-Based Transition, is in particular tasked - in collaboration with ASN - with proposing Government policy on nuclear safety and radiation protection, except for defence-related activities and installations and the radiation protection of workers against ionising radiations. Defence and Security High Official (HFDS) The purpose of nuclear security, in the strictest sense of the term (IAEA definition, less wide-ranging than that of Article L. 591-1 of the Environment Code) is to protect and monitor nuclear materials, their facilities and their transportation. It aims to ensure protection of the populations and environment against the consequences of malicious acts, in accordance with the provisions of the Defence Code. This responsibility lies with the Minister for Ecological and Solidarity-based Transition, with the support of the HFDS and more specifically its Nuclear Security Department. The REGULATION of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France High Committee for Transparency and Information on Nuclear Security High Council for Prevention of Technological Risks French High Public Health Council Central Committee for Pressure Equipment Advisory Committees of Experts Institute for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety National Assembly and Senate Parliamentary Office for the Assessment of Scientific and Technological Choices (OPECST) Parliamentary Commissions General regulations Major decisions concerning BNIs Creation Authorisation Final shutdown and Decommissioning (MAD-DEM) Decree Regulation of installations Clarification of government decisions Issue of other authorisations Government Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Mission Nuclear Safety Authority