ASN Report 2017

466 ASN report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2017 Appendix  - List of Basic Nuclear Installations as at 31st December 2017 A BNI is an installation which, due to its nature or the quantity or activity of the radioactive substances it contains, is subject to a specific regulatory system as defined by the Act 2006-686 of 13th June 2006 (the “TSNAct”) codified in Books I and V of the Environment Code by Ordinance 2012-6 of 5th January 2012. These installationsmust be authorisedby decree issued following a public inquiry and anASNopinion. Their design, construction, operation and decommissioning are all regulated. The following are BNIs: 1. Nuclear reactors; 2. Large installations for the preparation, enrichment, fabrication, treatment or storage of nuclear fuels or the treatment, storage or disposal of radioactive waste; 3. Large installations containing radioactive or fissile substances; 4. Large particle accelerators; 5. Deep geological repositories for radioactive waste. With the exceptionof nuclear reactors and thepossible futuredeep geological repositories for radioactive waste, which are all BNIs, Decree 2007-830 of 11thMay 2007 relative to the nomenclature of basic nuclear installations sets the threshold for entry into the BNI System for each category. For technical or legal reasons, the concept of a basic nuclear installation can cover a number of different physical situations: for example inanuclear power plant, each reactormaybe consideredas a separate BNI, or a givenBNImight in fact comprise two reactors. Similarly, a fuel cycle plant or a CEA centre can comprise several BNIs. These different configurations do not alter the regulatory conditions in any way. The following are subject to the BNI System: • facilities under construction, provided that they are the subject of a Creation Authorisation Decree; • facilities in operation; • facilities shut down or undergoing decommissioning, until they are delicensed by ASN. As at 31st December 2017, there were 127 BNIs (legal entities). The notifiedBNIs are thosewhich existedprior to the publication of Decree 63-1228 of 11th December 1963 concerning nuclear facilities and for which neither said Decree nor the TSN Act required authorisation but simply notification on the basis of the acquired rights (see Articles 33 and 62 of the TSN Act, codified in Articles L. 593-35 and L. 593-36 of the Environment Code). Themissing BNI numbers correspond to facilities that figured in previous issues of the list, but which no longer constitute BNIs further to their delicensing (see chapter 15) or their licensing as new basic nuclear installations. T o regulate all civil nuclear activities and installations in France, ASN has set up a regional organization comprising 11 regional divisions based in Bordeaux, Caen, Châlons-en- Champagne, Dijon, Lille, Lyon, Marseille, Nantes, Orléans, Paris and Strasbourg. The Caen andOrléans divisions are responsible for BNI regulation in the Bretagne (Brittany) and Ile-de-France regions respectively. The Paris division oversees the overseas regions and the département of Mayotte, while the Marseille division oversees radiation protection and radioactive substance transport in the Corse territorial collectivity. List of Basic Nuclear Installations as at 31st December 2017