ASN Report 2017
458 ASN report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2017 Chapter 16 - Radioactive waste and contaminated sites and soils In 2018, ASN will be attentive to the quality of the content of the commissioning authorisation application and to the satisfactory performance of the tests. ཛྷ ཛྷ Saint-Laurent-des-Eaux silos (BNI 74) The installation, which was authorised by the Decree of 14th June 1971, comprises two silos which are used to store irradiated graphite sleeves (LLW-LL) from the operation of the graphite-moderated gas-cooled reactors of Saint-Laurent A. The static containment of this waste is ensured by the concrete structures of the silo bunkers which are sealed by a steel liner. In 2010, EDF installed a geotechnical containment around the silos, reinforcing control of the risk of dissemination of radioactive substances, which is the main risk presented by the installation. Operation of this BNI is limited to surveillance andmaintenance measures (inspections and radiological monitoring of the silos, checking there is no water ingress, checking relative humidity, dose rates in the vicinity of the silos, the activity of the water table, monitoring the condition of civil engineering structures). These actions are on the whole performed satisfactorily. In 2015, ASN completed its examination of the commitments made by EDF following the periodic safety review of the installation which ended in 2014. ASN considers that nothing calls operation of the BNI into question provided that the dates of waste removal from the silos are respected. The file concerning the stress tests conducted as part of the Fukushima Daiichi accident experience feedback process, submitted at the end of 2015, has been examined by ASN. The measures implemented by EDF are satisfactory on the whole. In the context of its new decommissioning strategy for the Gas-Cooled Reactors (GCR) presented to ASN and the local information committee in 2016, EDF announced its decision to start removing the graphite from the silos without waiting for the graphite waste disposal route to become available. To this end EDF is considering creating a new facility for storing sleeves on the Saint-Laurent-des-Eaux site and submitting THE MAIN FACILITIES involved in radioactive waste management ● Waiting for commissioning ✱ Comes under the status of ICPE ❖ See chapter 13 on the nuclear fuel cycle ■ Creation Authorisation Decree (DAC) pending ▲ Comes under the status of DBNIs La Hague Saclay Saint-Laurent-des-Eaux Morvilliers Bugey Tricastin Marcoule Cadarache Malvési Soulaine-Dhuys Valduc packaging and storage Solid Radioactive Waste Management Zone (ZGDS) BNI 72 treatment / processing and packaging Liquid Effluent Management Zone (ZGEL) BNI 35 packaging and storage ✱ Rotonde storage Radioactive waste storage area BNI 56 storage Cedra facility BNI 164 treatment Agate facility BNI 171 storage ● Diadem BNI 177 treatment / processing and packaging ▲ CDS treatment / processing and packaging Centraco low-level waste processing facility treatment/processing and packaging BNI 160 treatment / processing and packaging ▲ STEMA storage ● Écrin BNI 175 disposal Manche Waste Disposal Facility (CSM) BNI 66 treatment / processing , packaging and storage ❖ La Hague site storage Storage of irradiated graphite sleeves BNI 74 packaging and storage Aube repository (CSA) BNI 149 packaging , storage and disposal Cires packaging and storage ● Iceda BNI 173 storage Pégase & Cascad facilities BNI 22 treatment / processing and packaging Solid Waste Treatment Station (STD) BNI 37-A treatment / processing and packaging Effluent Treatment Station (STE)) BNI 37-B sorting ❖ Tricastin site BNI 138 storage ▲ Tritiated waste storage building