ASN Report 2017
435 ASN report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2017 Chapter 15 - Decommissioning of Basic Nuclear Installations LIST of Basic Nuclear Installations delicensed and undergoing decommissioning as at 31st December 2017 * Attila: reprocessing pilot located in a unit of BNI 57 ** Passive institutional controls *** Active institutional controls INSTALLATION LOCATION BNI TYPE OF INSTALLATION COMMISSIONED FINAL SHUTDOWN LAST REGULATORY ACTS CURRENT STATUS Chinon A1D (Former Chinon A1) 133 (Former BNI 5) Reactor (300 MWth) 1963 1973 1982: Chinon A1 confinement decree and creation of the Chinon A1 D storage BNI Partially decommissioned, transformed into storage BNI for waste left in place decommissioning file to submit Chinon A2 D (Former Chinon A2) 153 (Former BNI 6) Reactor (865 MWth) 1965 1985 1991: Partial decommissioning decree for Chinon A2 and creation of the storage BNI Chinon A2 D Partially decommissioned, transformed into storage BNI for waste left in place decommissioning file to submit Chinon A3 D (Former Chinon A3) 161 (Former BNI 7) Reactor (1,360 MWth) 1966 1990 2010: Decommissioning decree Decommissioning in process EL4-D (Former EL4 Brennilis) 162 (Former BNI 28) Reactor (250 MWth) 1966 1985 1996: Decree ordering decommissioning and creation of the EL-4D storage BNI 2006: Final shutdown and decommissioning 2007: Decision of the conseil d’état (state council) cancelling the 2006 decree 2011: Partial decommissioning decree Partially decommissioned, transformed into storage BNI for waste left in place decommissioning file to submit Chooz AD (Former Chooz A) 163 (Former BNI 1, 2, 3) Reactor (1,040 MWth) 1967 1991 2007: Final shutdown and decommissioning decree Decommissioning in process Procédé FAR 165 Grouping of former research installations (BNI 57 and 59) concerning reprocessing processes 2006 2006 2006: Final shutdown and decommissioning decree Decommissioning in process Support FAR 166 Grouping of former installations (BNI 34 and 73) for packaging and treating waste and effluents 2006 2006 2006: Final shutdown and decommissioning decree Decommissioning in process