ASN Report 2017
432 ASN report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2017 Chapter 15 - Decommissioning of Basic Nuclear Installations Appendix LIST of Basic Nuclear Installations delicensed and undergoing decommissioning as at 31st December 2017 INSTALLATION LOCATION BNI TYPE OF INSTALLATION COMMISSIONED FINAL SHUTDOWN LAST REGULATORY ACTS CURRENT STATUS IDE Fontenay-aux-Roses (FAR) (Former BNI 10) Reactor (500 KWTH) 1960 1981 1987: removed from BNI list Decommissioned Triton FAR (Former BNI 10) Reactor (6.5 MWth) 1959 1982 1987: removed from BNI list and classified as ICPE Decommissioned ZOÉ FAR (Former BNI 11) Reactor (250 kWth) 1948 1975 1978: removed from BNI list and classified as ICPE Confined (Museum) Minerve FAR (Former BNI 12) Reactor (0.1 kWth) 1959 1976 1977: removed from BNI list Dismantled at FAR and reassembled at Cadarache EL2 Saclay (Former BNI 13) Reactor (2.8 MWth) 1952 1965 Removed from BNI list Partially decommissioned, remaining parts confined EL3 Saclay (Former BNI 14) Reactor (18 MWth) 1957 1979 1988: removed from BNI list and classified as ICPE Partially decommissioned, remaining parts confined Melusine Grenoble (Former BNI 19) Reactor (8 MWth) 1958 1988 2011: removed from BNI list Cleaned-out Siloé Grenoble (Former BNI 20) Reactor (35 MWth) 1963 2005 2015: removed from BNI list Cleaned out institutional controls (**) Siloette Grenoble (Former BNI 21) Reactor (100 kWth) 1964 2002 2007: removed from BNI list Cleaned out institutional controls (**) 3. Outlook ASN’s key actions in 2018 will concern the monitoring of decommissioning and waste management project progress, and especially the retrieval and packaging of the legacy waste of CEA and Areva, where the delays are particularly detrimental to the safety of the sites concerned. More specifically, ASN will adopt a position on the examination of the strategy files of these two licensees, submitted in 2016. In 2018, ASN will examine the elements supporting the change of EDF’s decommissioning strategy for the first-generation GCR reactors, and the elements concerning the safety of these reactors during the period pending decommissioning. ASN will adopt a position on EDF’s change of strategy request after completing all the technical and regulatory examinations. The periodic safety reviews of the installations undergoing decommissioning, for which the majority of the conclusions files were submitted by the licensees in 2017, will also be the subject of attentive examinations tailored to the risks and inconveniences these installations represent. Lastly, in order to clarify the decommissioning and waste management regulations updated by Ordinance 2016-128 of 10th February 2016, ASN will continue to develop new guides in these areas as well as in the area of polluted sites and soils in the BNIs. Thus in 2018, ASN plans to: ཛྷ ཛྷ examine the decommissioning strategy of EDF, and more particularly for the GCRs; ཛྷ ཛྷ continue the coordination with the EDF teams regarding the shutdown of the Fessenheim reactors; ཛྷ ཛྷ adopt a position on the decommissioning strategies of Areva and the CEA. ASN also plans to: ཛྷ ཛྷ continue the examination of the decommissioning files submitted by the licensees, particularly those for the Tricastin and La Hague sites (Areva) and the Fontenay- aux-Roses site (CEA) and the corresponding periodic safety reviews; ཛྷ ཛྷ start or continue examining the conclusions of the periodic safety reviews of the installations undergoing decommissioning; ཛྷ ཛྷ continue examining the delicensing applications, particularly those for the STED in Grenoble and the SICN in Veurey-Voroise ; ཛྷ ཛྷ detail the structuring and requirements associated with the BNI decommissioning plans; ཛྷ ཛྷ continue capitalising on international decommissioning experience feedback by participating in the work of WENRA, the IAEA and the NEA.