ASN Report 2017
395 ASN report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2017 Chapter 14 - Nuclear research and miscellaneous industrial facilities and the material and human reinforcements from other CEA centres, called the Nuclear Rapid Intervention Force (FARN). At the end of 2017, for the Cadarache centre, CEA requested an additional period of five years to commission a new emergency situations management room, initially scheduled for October 2018. CEA presented the difficulties it was experiencing in taking account of the requirements concerning natural hazards in the design of its buildings and when consulting its social partners. ASN is currently examining this extension request. It will be attentive to the compensatory measures put into place. For the Marcoule centre, CEA sent ASN the modifications adopted for reinforcement of the emergency situations management room so that it can withstand extreme natural hazards (tornado and earthquake) in accordance with the “hardened safety core” requirements prescribed by ASN. This project is currently being examined by ASN. For the Saclay centre, following the review of the stress tests, ASN ordered the implementation of a “hardened safety core” for emergency management. CEA complied with the initial deadlines for the ASN requirements and forwarded additional studies and justifications concerning its ability to activate its emergency organisation in extreme situations. These elements are currently being examined by ASN. 1.1.2 Management of nuclear safety and radiation protection ASN’s oversight of safety management is carried out at all levels within CEA, from the Chairman to the Protection and Nuclear Safety Department, but also in each centre and each BNI. In 2016, the topics concerning decision-making and the organisation of internal monitoring, the integration of safety issues into project management, the integration of Social, Organisational and Human Factors (SOHF), skills management, FIGURE 1: CEA centres and facilities, ILL and CIS bio international concerned by the “hardened safety core” additional requirements in 2015 FIGURE 2: Research facilities concerned by the stress tests prescribed in November 2013 (batch 3) CEA Centre - CEA Cadarache Centre - CEA Marcoule Centre - CEA Saclay Centre Research facilities operated by CEA - Cadarache site: Cabri, Jules Horowitz Reactor - Marcoule site: Phénix - Saclay site: Orphée Facility operated by the Institut Laue-Langevin - Grenoble: High-Flux Reactor Facility operated by CIS bio international - Saclay: Radiopharmaceuticals production plant Paris Saclay Marcoule Cadarache Paris Fontenay-aux-Roses Soulaines Saint- Laurent-des-Eaux Chinon Sablé-sur-Sarthe Pouzauges Dagneux Bugey Tricastin Cadarache Marcoule Malvési Marseille Maubeuge Caen Beaumont- Hague Saclay 6 EDF facilities - MIR (Chinon and Bugey) - BCOT (Tricastin) - AMI (Chinon) - The Saint-Laurent-des-Eaux silos 6 accelerators and irradiators - Ganil (Caen) - Ionisos (Dagneux, Sablé-sur-Sarthe, Pouzauges) - Synergy Health (Chusclan, Marseille) 2 LLW/ILW waste storage facilities (Andra) - Aube Disposal Centre (CSA) (Soulaines) - Manche Disposal Centre - CSM (Beaumont-Hague) 2 Areva Group facilities - Écrin (Comurhex Malvési) - Somanu (Maubeuge) 18 CEA facilities - 11 BNIs at Cadarache - 4 BNIs at Saclay - 2 BNIs at Fontenay-aux-Roses - Diadem (Marcoule) Grenoble