ASN Report 2017
389 ASN report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2017 Chapter 13 - Nuclear fuel cycle installations Areva the project to group the storage areas on the Tricastin site within the same BNI (see point 1.1.1). ASN and ASND have set up a working group to clarify the steps involved in ASN’s takeover of the regulation of the safety of activities on this site. The decision was made that this takeover would be gradual, comprise as few steps as possible and be an opportunity to reorganise the oversight of the Tricastin site, so that the whole site, including soils contaminated by legacy pollution, are under the control of one or other of the safety regulators. Jointly with the ASND, ASN will propose to the Minister responsible for Nuclear Safety a reclassification of the various DBNI facilities on the site as BNIs, whether existing or new, as a result of the ongoing process to declassify the site from a DBNI to a BNI. Their safety baseline requirements will then need to be brought into line with the BNI System. 3.3 The licensee’s organisation and management structure for fuel cycle nuclear installations For each facility, ASN regulates the organisation and means chosen by the licensee to enable it to assume its responsibilities in terms of nuclear safety, radiation protection, emergency management in the event of an accident and protection of nature, the environment and public health and safety. ASN issues a position statement regarding the chosen organisations and may issue binding requirements on specific identified points, whenever it considers that there are shortcomings in these organisations concerning internal oversight of safety and radiation protection or that they are not adequate. ASN assesses the working of the organisations put into place by the licensees mainly through inspections, more specifically those devoted to safety management. During the various periodic safety reviews of the Areva plants, ASN is currently examining the management processes which had not been dealt with during the overall safety management review, the conclusions of which were sent to Areva on 21st September 2012. A final opinion will be issued on all the national and local management processes following all of these reviews, which will be completed in 2018. In 2018, ASN will be vigilant in ensuring that the ongoing reorganisation of the Areva group does not compromise safety management across the group. The Areva group’s nuclear fuel conversion, enrichment and reprocessing activities are now grouped under Areva NAH (which more particularly owns Areva NC), while the nuclear fuel fabrication and nuclear equipment manufacturing activities are grouped within Framatome, which is an entity jointly owned by EDF and several industrial groups. In accordance with the law, the entities which, as a result of this split-up, have become licensees of BNIs of the former Areva Group (Framatome and Somanu), proved to ASN that they do in fact have the technical and financial capacity enabling them to assume their nuclear safety and radiation protection responsibilities. In this respect, the separation of the group’s engineering departments has major implications for the safety of the facilities. Although the historical ties between the two parts of Areva mean that each temporarily draws on the expertise of the other, it is essential that each party acquire the technical skills necessary to take on its responsibility as licensee. Examining the measures taken by the Areva NAH group head office departments and Framatome in terms of safety ASN’s regulatory action also covers the head office departments which are responsible for their group’s safety, radiation protection and environmental protection policy. In 2017, ASN checked the Engineering Mines Mines Orano Cycle, ex-Areva NC Chemistry and enrichment Chemistry and enrichment Fuel fabrication Reprocessing and fabrication of MOX Installedbase and I&C; Manufactureof largecomponents Decommissioning and services Technicatome Transport and logistics Nuclear measurements (Canberra) Fuel cycle engineering Technicatome Large projects Installed base Fuel fabrication Reprocessing and fabrication of MOX Manufacture of large components Decommissioning and services I&C Transport and logistics Large projects (except Olkiluoto 3 EPR) International operations Technical and engineering Mines in front-end cycle Orano Framatome Reactors and services Engineering and projects Back-end fuel cycle REORGANISATION of Areva Excluding ENR and Areva Med Excluding support functions