ASN Report 2017
379 ASN report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2017 Chapter 13 - Nuclear fuel cycle installations TABLE 1: Fuel cycle industry movements in 2017 MATERIAL PROCESSED PRODUCT OBTAINED (1) PRODUCT SHIPPED (2) INSTALLATION ORIGIN PRODUCT TONNAGE (unless otherwise specified) PRODUCT TONNAGE (unless otherwise specified) DESTINATION TONNAGE (unless otherwise specified) Comurhex Tricastin SBNI Marcoule Uranyl Nitrate 0 U 3 O 8 0 DBNI Tricastin 0 ICPE Malvési UF 4 8,674 UF 6 10,198 Areva NC Tricastin 10,198 Areva NC Tricastin TU5 facility Areva NC La Hague Uranyl Nitrate 1,146 U 3 O 8 1,363 Areva NC Tricastin 1,363 Areva NC Tricastin W Plant Urenco UF 6 depleted 1,351 U 3 O 8 1,095 Areva NC Tricastin 1,095 SET 9,178 7,325 7,325 Areva NC 723 571 571 Areva NP Romans-sur-Isère Germany UO 2 rods based on natural and depleted uranium 2.6 Assemblies based on natural uranium EDF 3.3 UO 2 rods based on depleted uranium Areva SEPA 6 CEA Cadarache UO 2 rods based on natural and depleted uranium 1.1 Depleted uranium powder Japan 0.1 United Kingdom UF 6 (based on enriched natural uranium) 0.9 Assemblies based on enriched natural uranium 603 China 131.6 Urenco 237.1 EDF 612.1 Koeberg 26 Eurodif 411.5 Tihange 29.5 Russia 8.3 Lingen 0.3 Germany UO 2 rods based on enriched natural uranium 10.3 UF 6 (based on enriched natural uranium) Urenco 1.5 Eurodif 0.3 Enriched natural uranium powder 3 CEA Cadarache 3 Areva NC Marcoule Mélox Germany Areva NC La Hague U0 2 depleted PuO 2 102.1 tML (3) 9.6 tML MOX Fuel elements 103.4 tML EDF 103.7 tML Kansai 7.1 tML Areva NC La Hague Fuels reprocessed in the La Hague plant EDF, Trino, Borssele UOX, MOX 983 tML Uranyl Nitrate 996.853 tML Areva NC Tricastin 1,035.3 tML Osiris, Celestin, BR2 MOL RTR 0.1 tML PuO 2 12.753 t Mélox Marcoule 9.6 tML Fuels stored in the La Hague plant pools EDF, Borssele, ILL, BR2 MOL, Osiris Spent fuel elements 1,183.5 tML - - - - GB II SET Tricastin Converters UF 6 10,801 t UF 6 depleted 9,099 t Defluoration 9,099 t UF 6 enriched 1,501 t Fuel manufacturers 1,501 t (1) The products obtained may be shipped or stored in the facility concerned (2) The shipped products may have been obtained during previous years (3) tHM: tonne equivalent heavy metal (mainly uranium, plutonium)