ASN Report 2017

37 ASN report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2017 2017 for a centralised spent fuel pool project taking account of current safety requirements. This project, for which the location has not yet been decided, should allow storage of spent fuels for which reprocessing or disposal cannot yet be envisaged in the near future. The envisaged operating life for this storage facility is about a century. ASN will issue an opinion on the safety options in early 2019. Monitoring the status of the evaporators at La Hague For the periodic safety review of BNI 116, ASN asked Areva in 2011 to examine the conformity and ageing of the fission products concentration evaporators in the La Hague plants. In 2014, Areva NC informed ASN that the corrosion of these items was on a scale greater than that considered in the design. As the maintained integrity of these items has major safety implications, the ASN Commission stipulated the conditions to be met by Areva NC for continued operation of these evaporators. ASN is monitoring the development of corrosion on this equipment, prior to its post- maintenance restart. InNovember 2016, ASN issued a position statement on the safety options proposed by Areva NC for the construction of new evaporators, for which commissioning is expected in 2021. In 2017, ASN authorised the construction of the civil engineering works intended for this replacement equipment. Outlook Fuel cycle consistency In 2016, ASN started an examination of the “Cycle impact” file update covering the period 2016-2030 and aimed at anticipating the various emerging needs in order to ensure the management and consistency of the nuclear fuel cycle operations in France, in terms of safety. ASN will in particular focus on monitoring the level of occupancy of the spent fuel underwater storage facilities (Orano and EDF). It asked EDF, as client, to examine the impact on the anticipated saturation dates for these storage facilities of the shutdown of a reactor, of a possible modification in the spent fuel reprocessing circuit, as well as the solutions designed to guarantee that sufficient storage capacity is maintained on a long-term basis. In 2018, ASN will issue its conclusions on the “Cycle Impact” file submitted in 2016, which will notably be the subject of a joint review by the Advisory Committees for Laboratories and Plants (GPU), for Waste (GPD), for Reactors (GPR) and for Transports (GPT). Tricastin site The BNI licensees on the Tricastin platform asked for authorisation to modify their organisation, with the creation of joint management systems. This reorganisation entails transfer of nuclear licensee responsibility to a single party: Orano. ASN will issue a position statement on these subjects in 2018. Romans-sur-Isère site Following their periodic safety review and after a year 2017 marked by the continued shutdown of the research reactors fuel fabrication plant for several months, ASN will in 2018 define the conditions for the continued operation of the plants on this site. La Hague site In 2018, ASN will remain particularly vigilant with regard to the development of corrosion in the fission products concentration evaporators. Orano shall continue with reinforced inspection of this equipment. Orano will also be required to maintain its efforts so that it can effect the replacement it envisages between  2020 and  2021. ASN will examine the applications for the construction of new evaporators. With regard to changes to the site BNIs, ASN will examine the licensee’s application to expand compacted waste package storage capacity, which will entail the holding of a public inquiry. Significant events and outlook