ASN Report 2017
365 ASN report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2017 Chapter 12 - EDF Nuclear Power Plants deviations detected during these investigations are then restored to conformity within a time-frame commensurate with their potential consequences. Ageing management is also incorporated into this part of the review. ཛྷ ཛྷ The safety reassessment: this step aims to improve the level of safety in the light of the experience acquired during operation, changing knowledge, the requirements applicable to the more recent facilities and international best practices. Following these reassessments, EDF identifies the modifications it intends to make to its facilities in order to reinforce their safety. The review process for the EDF nuclear power reactors In order to benefit from the standardisation of the NPP reactors operated by EDF, these two parts of the review are first the subject of a generic design programme for a given plant series (900 MWe, 1,300 MWe or 1,450 MWe reactors). The results of this programme are then implemented on each of the nuclear power reactors on the occasion of its ten-yearly outage inspection. In accordance with the provisions of Article L. 593-19 of the Environment Code, following the ten-yearly outage inspection, the licensee sends ASN a periodic safety review conclusions report. In this report, the licensee states its position on the regulatory conformity of its facility as well as on the CHRONOLOGY of first criticality of the French nuclear power reactors at the end of 2017 Fessenheim 1 Fessenheim 2 Bugey 2 Bugey 3 Bugey 4 Bugey 5 Tricastin 1 Gravelines 1 Tricastin 2 Tricastin 3 Gravelines 2 Dampierre 1 Gravelines 3 Saint-Laurent B1 Dampierre 2 Saint-Laurent B2 Blayais 1 Dampierre 3 Tricastin 4 Gravelines 4 Dampierre 4 Blayais 2 Chinon B1 Cruas 1 Blayais 4 Blayais 3 Chinon B2 Cruas 3 Paluel 1 Cruas 2 Paluel 2 Gravelines 5 Cruas 4 Saint-Alban 1 Paluel 3 Gravelines 6 Flamanville 1 Paluel 4 Saint-Alban 2 Flamanville 2 Chinon B3 Cattenom 1 Cattenom 2 Nogent 1 Belleville 1 Chinon B4 Belleville 2 Nogent 2 Cattenom 3 Penly 1 Golfech 1 Cattenom 4 Penly 2 Golfech 2 Chooz B1 Chooz B2 Civaux 1 Civaux 2 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1990 1991 1992 1993 1996 1997 1999 1,800 MWe 1,800 MWe 1,800 MWe 7,200 MWe 6,300 MWe 1,800 MWe 3,600 MWe 6,200 MWe 4,800 MWe 6,100 MWe 4,800 MWe 2,600 MWe 3,900 MWe 1,300 MWe 1,300 MWe 1,300 MWe 1,450 MWe 2,900 MWe 1,450 MWe Total power Date of 1st criticality Source: ASN 1,300 MWe 1,450 MWe 900 MWe FOCUS Performance of the third periodic safety review of the 1,300 MWe reactors The first ten-yearly outage inspection associated with the third periodic safety review of the 1,300 MWe reactors began in 2015. The checks carried out by ASN revealed that EDF decided to adapt or de-schedule the performance of certain modifications to the installations planned during these ten-yearly inspections and authorised by ASN. ASN asked the licensee for further information in order to verify that the 1,300 MWe reactors were restarted in a known and authorised documentary and equipment reference state. It asked EDF to redefine the generic standard state for a 1,300 MWe reactor corresponding to the target state of the third periodic safety review. It will check that the reactors to be restarted in 2018 following their third ten-yearly outage inspection will comply with this new state. ASN asked EDF to learn the lessons from the deployment of the modifications during the third periodic safety reviews on the 1,300 MWe reactors with a view to the fourth periodic safety reviews of the 900 MWe reactors.