ASN Report 2017

36 ASN report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2017 The fuel cycle concerns all the steps involved in the fabrication of the fuel and then its reprocessing once it has been used in nuclear reactors. The main plants in the cycle are on the Orano (ex-Areva NC) Tricastin (Comurhex, TU5, W, Georges Besse II), Marcoule (Mélox), La Hague, Malvési sites and on the Framatome (ex-Areva NP) site of Romans-sur-Isère. Significant events Restructuring of the Areva group 2017 was marked by the restructuring of the Areva group, which was split up into several entities, notably Framatome and Orano. With regard to nuclear safety, this entailed a break-up of the group headquarters (engineering in particular) and various organisational changes on the Tricastin, La Hague, Romans-sur- Isère andMarcoule sites. The new entities resulting from this break-up will retain strong operational ties with each other in the exercise of their responsibilities as nuclear licensees. ASNwill be particularly attentive to ensuring that the Framatome and Orano BNI licensees are in full possession of the capabilities needed to meet their responsibilities. A new spent fuel storage capacity Given the timeline identified for saturation of spent fuel storage capacity in France and the time needed to design and build a new facility, EDF submitted a safety options file in 13 Nuclear fuel cycle installations past by the Creusot Forge plant. It will ensure that this review process is seen through to completion, in order to assess all the irregularities which could have affected past production and draw all the possible conclusions for the safety of the facilities. Monitoring the implementation of the prescribed material and organisational measures enabling EDF to justify satisfactory control of the basic safety functions in extreme situations remains a priority for ASN. In 2018, ASN will continue to reviewthedesign, construction and operating provisions adopted by EDF to address the requirements concerning the “hardened safety core”. ASNwill also continue to oversee the work to deploy this “hardened safety core” on the sites, more particularly the ultimate backup diesels, ultimate water source and local emergency centre. In 2018, examination of the generic studies will continue for the fourth periodic safety review of the 900 MWe reactors. ASN envisages issuing a position statement on the generic phase of the review at the end of 2020. As part of the actions initiated by the HCTISN in 2017, ASN will also take part in public consultation measures planned for 2018 concerning the steps proposed by EDF to meet the objectives set for this review. In 2018, ASN will examine the initial review conclusions reports for the third ten-yearly outage inspections of the 1,300 MWe reactors, so that it can issue a position statement on the continued operation of these reactors. ASN will continue to oversee the installation of equipment, the performance of start-up tests and the preparation of the various support documents for the operation of the Flamanville 3 EPR reactor. In 2018, ASNwill issue a position statement on the partial commissioning authorisation application to allow the arrival of nuclear fuel on the site. Finally, in 2018, ASN will continue the important in-depth work started in 2015 with the manufacturers, licensees and approved organisations, with regard to the application of the regulations concerning nuclear pressure equipment. Significant events and outlook