ASN Report 2017

313 ASN report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2017 Chapter 11  - Transport of radioactive substances The statistical data presented in this chapter come from a study conducted by ASN in 2012. It is based on information collected in 2011 from all the consignors of radioactive substances (BNIs, laboratories, hospitals, source suppliers and users, etc.), as well as on reports from the dangerous goods safety advisers. A summary is available on the ASN website 1 . 1 . de-substances-radioactives (ASN survey on radioactive substances traffic) TRANSPORT OPERATIONS relating to the fuel cycle in France TABLE 1: Breakdown per mode of transport (rounded figures) APPROXIMATE NUMBER OF PACKAGES AND SHIPMENTS ROAD ROAD AND AIR ROAD AND RAIL ROAD AND SEA ROAD, SEA AND RAIL ROAD, SEA AND AIR Packages approved by ASN Number of packages 18,000 1,300 460 1,900 0 0 Number of shipments 12,500 1,250 380 390 0 0 Packages not requiring approval by ASN Number of packages 870,000 47,000 2,900 6,800 34,500 5,300 Number of shipments 740,000 21,000 530 910 80 5,300 Reprocessing Surface repository Sea Fabrication Enrichment Conversion Road Rail Le Havre CSA: Aube waste repository Romans-sur-Isère Pierrelatte Marcoule Sète Malvési NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Natural uranium concentrate Natural uranium concentrate Waste Waste PuO 2 Natural uranium concentrate UF 4 UF 6 UO 2 MOX Spent fuel Uranyl Nitrate Natural uranium concentrate La Hague 2. Regulations governing the transport of radioactive substances 2.1 Risks associated with the transport of radioactive substances Themajor risks involved in the transport of radioactive substances are: ཛྷ ཛྷ the risk of external irradiation of persons in the event of damage to the “radiological protection” of the packages, a material that reduces the radiation received through contact with the packages of radioactive substances; ཛྷ ཛྷ the risk of inhalation or ingestion of radioactive particles in the event of release of radioactive substances out of the packaging;