ASN Report 2017
310 1. Radioactive substances traffic 312 2. Regulations governing the transport of radioactive substances 313 2.1 Risks associated with the transport of radioactive substances 2.2 Principle of defence in depth 2.3 The requirements guaranteeing the robustness of the various types of package 2.3.1 Excepted packages 2.3.2 Type A packages and industrial packages containing non-fissile substances 2.3.3 Type B packages and packages containing fissile substances 2.3.4 Packages containing uranium hexafluoride 2.3.5 Type C packages 2.4 The requirements guaranteeing the reliability of the transport operations 2.4.1 Radiation protection of workers and the public 2.4.2 Package and vehicle signage 2.4.3 Responsibilities of the different transport players 2.5 Preparedness for emergency management 2.6 Regulation governing the transport operations within the perimeter of nuclear facilities 3. Roles and responsibilities in regulating the transport of radioactive substances 320 3.1 Regulation of nuclear safety and radiation protection 3.2 Protection against malicious acts 3.3 Regulation of the transport of dangerous goods 4. ASN action in the transport of radioactive substances 320 4.1 Delivery of approval certificates and shipment approvals 4.2 Monitoring all the stages in the life of a package 4.2.1 Regulation of package manufacturing 4.2.2 Packaging maintenance inspections 4.2.3 Inspections of packages not requiring approval 4.2.4 Monitoring the shipment and transportation of packages 4.2.5 Oversight of preparedness for emergency management 4.2.6 Analysis of transport events 4.3 Participation in drawing up the regulations applicable to the transport of radioactive substances 4.3.1 Participation in the work of the IAEA 4.3.2 Participation in drafting of national regulations 4.4 Contributing to public information 4.5 Participation in international relations in the transport sector 4.5.1 Work of the European Association of Competent Authorities on transport 4.5.2 Bilateral relations with ASN’s foreign counterparts 5. ASN assessment and outlook on the safety of transport of radioactive substances 328