ASN Report 2017
294 ASN report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2017 Chapter 10 - Sources of ionising radiation and their industrial, veterinary and research applications The irradiation zone inside these appliances is sometime delimited by doors, but most often simply by one or more lead curtains. X-ray body scanners This application is mentioned for information only, since the use of X-ray scanners on people during security checks is prohibited in France (in application of Article L. 1333-11 of the Public Health Code). Some experiments have been carried out in France using non-ionising imaging technologies (millimetre waves). Inspection of consumer goods The use of devices for detecting foreign bodies in certain consumer products has developed over the last few years, such as for detecting unwanted items in food products or cosmetics. X-ray diffraction analysis Research laboratories are making increasing use of small devices of this type, which are self-shielded. Experimental devices used for X-ray diffraction analysis can however be built by experimenters themselves with parts obtained from various suppliers (goniometer, sample holder, tube, detector, high- voltage generator, control console, etc.). X-ray fluorescence analysis Portable X-ray fluorescence devices are intended for the analysis of metals and alloys. Measuring parameters These appliances, which operate on the principle of X-ray attenuation, are used as industrial gauges for measuring fluid levels in cylinders or drums, for detecting leaks, for measuring thicknesses or density, etc. Irradiation treatment More generally used for performing irradiations, the self- shielded appliances exist in several models that sometimes differ only in the size of the self-shielded chamber, while the characteristics of the X-ray generator remain the same. 2.2 Veterinary diagnostic radiology The profession counts approximately 16,000 veterinary surgeons and 14,000 non-veterinarian employees. Veterinary surgeons use diagnostic radiology devices in a context similar to that of the devices used in human medicine. Veterinary diagnostic radiology activities essentially concern pets: ཛྷ ཛྷ 90% of the 5,793 veterinary structures in France have at least one diagnostic radiology device; ཛྷ ཛྷ about thirty computed tomography scanners are used in veterinary applications to date; ཛྷ ཛྷ other practices drawn from the medical sector are also implemented in specialised centres: scintigraphy, brachytherapy and external-beam radiotherapy. The treatment of large animals (mainly horses) requires the use of more powerful devices installed in specially equipped premises (radiography of the pelvis, for example) and of portable X-ray generators, used indoors - whether in dedicated premises or not - or outside in the open air. This activity has significant radiation protection implications for veterinary surgeons and grooms. In order to better ensure compliance with regulatory requirements, ASN introduced a notification system in 2009 for what were termed «canine» activities involving less serious radiation risks (see paragraph 4.2.2). This simplification has led to regularisation of the administrative situation of a growing number of veterinary structures (see Graph 4) with about 85% of the structures being notified or licensed GRAPH 3: Use of electrical devices generating ionising radiation (outside the veterinary sector) 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1,000 1,100 Non-destructive testing (radiography/ fluoroscopy) X-ray fluorescence analysis Crystallography Industrial gauge (level measurement, etc.) Accelerator Research Teaching Calibration Number of facilities licensed 2016 2017 2015 2014 2013