ASN Report 2017
262 ASN report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2017 Chapter 08 - Regional overview of nuclear safety and radiation protection PROVENCE-ALPES-CÔTE D’AZUR radioactive sources is relatively satisfactory. The inspection revealed an improvement in the radiation protection controls of the measuring devices, but radiological zoning remains a weak point. The management of radioactive effluents can also be improved. 1.4 Radiation protection of the public and the environment Contaminated sites and soils In 2017, ASN continued its initiative to identify – and make safe – sites contaminated by radioactive substances. This initiative resulted more specifically in providing technical support to the PACA Dreal for the development of the soil information sectors provided for by Act 2014-366 of 24thMarch for access to housing and renovated urban planning and by the Environment Code, which inventory the plots of land for which the knowledge of any soil pollution justifies, particularly in the event of a change in use, the performance of soil studies and taking of pollution management measures. Technologically enhanced naturally occurring radioactivity In 2017, ASN provided the PACA Dreal with technical support, notably through the analysis of the draft Prefectural Orders containing a radiological section. Radon ASN performed 2 inspections on the radon theme in primary schools of the Hautes-Alpes in 2017. These inspections, conducted jointly by ASN and the ARS, targeted buildings in which radon concentrations exceeding the regulatory action triggering thresholds had been evidenced in 2004. These inspections showed that measures had been taken to ventilate the buildings in question. However, the measurements of the radon concentration in the building after installing the ventilation systems had not been carried out, therefore it is not yet confirmed that the concentration has fallen below the regulatory threshold of 400 Bq/m 3 . The setting up of additional actions will be monitored in 2018 and verified by an approved organisation. 1.5 Nuclear safety and radiation protection in the transport of radioactive substances ASN carried out 4 inspections in the area of radioactive substance transport addressing diverse players: BNIs, hospitals and transport carriers working in small-scale nuclear activities. In the BNIs, ASN considers that application of the regulations is on the whole satisfactory, given the notified events and the facilities inspected in 2017. With regard to small-scale nuclear activity carriers, ASN considers that the regulations are on the whole correctly applied in practice (verifications, condition of vehicle, transport documents, etc.). Nevertheless, the carriers’ proficiency in the use of the documentary system must be significantly improved. In the medical field and in nuclear medicine departments in particular, the issues, the responsibilities and, more generally, the regulations relating to transport are still insufficiently taken into consideration, particularly in the management system of the centres. In some of the inspected centres ASN has nevertheless noted that inspections are carried out on reception and departure of the packages, which is an improvement and demonstrates enhanced management of this activity. 2. Additional information 2.1 Informing the public Press conference ASN held a press conference in Marseilles on 5th October 2017 on the situation of nuclear safety and radiation protection in the PACA region. Work with the Local Information Committees (CLIs) ASN involved itself in the activities of the Cadarache CLI (which also has competence for the ITER and Gammaster facilities), by participating in some ten technical meetings. In accordance with the provisions introduced by Act 2015-992 of 17th August 2015 relative to the Energy Transition for Green Growth, the Cadarache CLI organised public meetings for the Cadarache CEA on the one hand and ITER on the other. It also organised a meeting between the CLIs of the Rhône valley which took place on 18th and 19th May 2017. This event brought together about ten CLIs and their stakeholders (local authorities, departmental and regional councils, ASN, IRSN, licensees, etc.). Three themes (relations between the public, the licensee and ASN; the performance of independent analyses and expert assessments; waste management) were adopted with a view to sharing experience, and should lead to the creation in 2018 of a national working group on the management of very low level radioactive waste. It also organised a measurement campaign to assess the possiblemigration of contamination from the interior to the exterior of the site. ASN underlines the dynamism of this CLI and the level of investment of its members on the national scale. 2.2 International action In 2017, ASN participated for the PACA region in an exchange of good practices with the Belgian nuclear safety authority, AFCN, on the safety of irradiators through cross-inspections in France and Belgium. 2.3 Other notable events ASN took part in an emergency exercise played out at the CEA Cadarache centre, which on the first day involved activation of the site’s off-site emergency plan further to a simulated accident on a defence basic nuclear installation, followed on the second day by the management of a population protection phase and entry into the post-accident phase.