ASN Report 2017
249 ASN report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2017 Chapter 08 - Regional overview of nuclear safety and radiation protection NOUVELLE-AQUITAINE With regard to the reception and shipping of radioactive substance packages by the nuclear medicine centres, the Bordeaux division continued its campaign of multi-year inspections in 2017. Fifteen centres have been inspected on this theme since 2013, including two in 2017. ASN observes that the main regulatory requirements are met, particularly those relative to reception of the packages. The main demands of ASN following the inspections are for the transport operations to be subject to strict quality assurance measures and the nuclear medicine centres to monitor their transport service providers. In 2017, two significant events – which had no serious impacts – were reported to ASN, namely a road accident involving a radiopharmaceutical transport carrier and the unauthorised shipping of a postal package containing a naturally radioactive collection-piece mineral. 2. Additional information 2.1 Informing the public Press conference ASN held a press conference in Bordeaux on 5th October 2017 to present the situation of nuclear safety and radiation protection in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region. Work with the Local Information Committees (CLIs) ASN accompanied the work of the two Local Information Committees of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, namely the Blayais CLI and the Civaux CLI, by participating in their general assemblies. The two CLIs decided to make public these general assemblies in response to the provisions introduced by Act 2015-992 of 17th August 2015 relative to the Energy Transition for Green Growth. These meetings were devoted more specifically to ASN’s 2016 assessment of the Blayais and Civaux NPPs, the updating of the off-site emergency plans around the NPPs, the state of the Blayais NPP embankments and the reinforcing of the sealing of the concrete of the Civaux NPP containment. The Civaux CLI moreover sent observers who attended several inspections carried out by ASN primarily on the themes of services and the transport of radioactive substances.