ASN Report 2017
248 ASN report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2017 Chapter 08 - Regional overview of nuclear safety and radiation protection NOUVELLE-AQUITAINE technical controls, the general organisation of radiation protection, and the training and dosimetric monitoring of the personnel exposed to ionising radiation are satisfactory on the whole. With regard to industrial radiography on worksites, ASN notes an overall improvement in radiographers’ practices, particularly on gamma radiography work sites, in verifying that the radioactive source has returned to the storage position. ASN nevertheless observes that efforts must continue in the development of work area cordoning off and signalling instructions. Universities and laboratories or research centres ASN conducted 2 inspections in universities and research laboratories in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region in 2017. ASN considers that the research laboratories on the whole comply with the regulatory requirements of occupational radiation protection, particular concerning the job and work environment analyses, passive dosimetric monitoring and the classification of personnel exposed to ionising radiation. It observes that the radiation doses received by workers remain low. ASN observes with approval that the research laboratories are increasingly endeavouring to acquire electrical ionising radiation generators that comply with the regulations, despite the presence on the market of numerous devices that are noncompliant and not referenced by ASN. ASN remains vigilant regarding the use of non-referenced devices. It also notes the continuing tendency for establishments to share ionising radiation sources and radiation protection means between several research units. Lastly, ASN considers that the Universities of Bordeaux and Poitiers have adopted effective procedures for managing the elimination of disused, unused or accidentally discovered radioactive sources. It nevertheless observes that the search for agencies to take back the sources and the costs of removal often slow down the source removal process. 1.4 Radiation protection of the public and the environment Contaminated sites and soils During 2017 ASN assisted the public authorities in the management of various sites and soils contaminated by radioactive substances in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region. ASN more specifically monitored the measures taken by the city of Bordeaux concerning a site contaminated with radium. In response to a Prefectural Order issued in 2015, the city of Bordeaux drew up a complete and precise map of the radioactive contamination and had various scenarios established for site decontamination. ASN took part in the discussions between the stakeholders concerning these scenarios. In 2018 it will continue to assist the Prefectural authority with the regulatory oversight of the chosen site decontamination solution. ASN also accompanied the Regional Directorate for the Environment, Planning and Housing (Dreal) in the radiological monitoring and rehabilitation of a site contaminated with natural uranium and thorium as a result of a former monazite crushing activity located in the municipality of Boucau (Pyrénées-Atlantiques). Former uranium mines ASN continued to assist the Dreal in the management of mining waste rock and of the former uranium mine in the three départements of the former Limousin region in 2017. As a reminder, 250 mining sites were operated in France between 1947 and 2001. ASN has participated in all the former uranium mining Site Monitoring Commissions (CSS) of the Limousin départements . The main role of the CSS’s is to inform the public of the risks for human health and the environment resulting from the operation of former uraniummines. They bring together representatives of the State, the local authorities, environmental protection associations and the licensees. Cleaning out the mining waste rock reuse sites by removing these materials continued in the Limousin, in order to reduce the exposure of persons to ionising radiation in accordance with the objectives set in the Circular of 22nd July 2009. The work already accomplished has made it possible, for certain sites: ཛྷ ཛྷ to make them safe with respect to the public ; ཛྷ ཛྷ to integrate the sites in a landscaped environment; ཛྷ ཛྷ to ensure radiological monitoring; ཛྷ ཛྷ to monitor the collected water; ཛྷ ཛྷ to manage the reconversion of the former mining sites while preserving the site memory. The examination of some of the site monitoring files required additional analyses and expert assessments by IRSN and the BRGM (Bureau of Geological and Mining Research). These were systematically presented at the CSS meetings. ASN also responded to several requests from the Limousin prefectures concerning projects within the perimeter of former uranium mining sites. 1.5 Nuclear safety and radiation protection in the transport of radioactive substances ASN carried out five inspections concerning the transport of radioactive substances in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region in 2017: 2 in nuclear power plants, 2 in nuclear medicine centres and one on departure of a consignment from a radiopharmaceutical production site (cyclotron). ASN underlines the competence of the personnel of the Blayais NPP responsible for preparing the spent fuel shipments. As regards the Civaux NPP, the inspectors consider that the measures taken by EDF for the shipping of radioactive substances are satisfactory on the whole. ASN does nevertheless consider that the licensee must shorten the times taken to integrate the recommendation of its transport safety advisor.