ASN Report 2017
238 ASN report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2017 Chapter 08 - Regional overview of nuclear safety and radiation protection ILE-DE-FRANCE to the monitoring of removal of sources and checks of non- contamination of premises when the laboratories ceased their activity. ASN was also attentive to the design conformity of facilities that use particle accelerators. Ten significant events were reported in this area in 2017, of which two concerning lost sources were rated level 1 on the INES scale. 1.4 Radiation protection of the public and the environment Contaminated sites and soils In 2017, as part of its remit to inform the public and assist the Prefects in radiation protection oversight for the management of polluted sites and soils, ASN continued its oversight of sites contaminated by radioactive substances. These aremainly orphan sites which in the past carried out research work on natural radioactivity. Other sites are associated with legacy activities of the CEA. The former CEA site of Fort de Vaujours, on which experiments involving natural and depleted uranium were carried out, was purchased by the Placoplatre Company with the aimof operating an open pit gypsum quarry. Following on from its oversight actions carried out at the request of the Prefects of Seine-et-Marne and of Seine-Saint-Denis, ASN performed 2 on-site inspections, one further to the discovery of radioactive objects buried in an area considered to have been remediated according to the sampling verifications and the legacy information provided by the CEA. Further measurements were taken on site by the third- party expert designated by the Prefectural departments. Site radiation protection management was found to be satisfactory, although ASN remains vigilant given the extent of the worksite and the inherent difficulties in detecting manufactured uranium. All the actions taken were presented at meetings of the Site Monitoring Committee (CSS). One inspection was carried out on the site of the former Curie laboratories in Arcueil to check the characterisation and packaging of legacy waste, operations which were resumed after setting up a mobile analysis laboratory. Finally, the Radium Diagnosis operation which began on 21st September 2010 is continuing in Ile-de-France. This operation, which is placed under the responsibility of the Prefect of the Ile-de-France region and the Prefect of Paris, and is coordinated by ASN. Twenty-one diagnoses revealed traces of radium in premises that are undergoing rehabilitation. The rehabilitation work, which is financed by the State, has been completed on 15 sites, is in progress on 3 sites and under preparation on 3 others. The levels of activity measured before clean-out are low and the exposure does not present a health risk for the occupants. 1.5 Nuclear safety and radiation protection in the transport of radioactive substances With regard to the transport of radioactive substances in Ile- de-France, 12 inspections concerned road transport carriers, 2 concerned air carriers; of 3 inspections focusing on the management of transport by the BNIs of Saclay and Fontenay- aux-Roses, 2 concerned nuclear licensees receiving or dispatching radioactive substances and one concerned a commission agent. ASN participated in 2 unannounced inspections on the public highway in collaboration with the law enforcement authorities. ASN also carried out 2 inspections on the transport of radioactive substances by air and their interim storage in the airport zone. BNIs excepted, the inspections showed that the players must improve the way they take on board the regulations applicable to the transport of radioactive substances, particularly in the phases preceding carriage (preparation, pre-shipping checks, loading) and following carriage (unloading, acceptance inspections) of the substances. Worker training in transport operations should be improved, and the procedures relating to these operations should be better formalised. This is a general finding, but it is particularly the case with nuclear medicine and brachytherapy departments. The inspections in BNIs focused primarily on the quality management systems, the operational measures applied, compliance with package approvals and the radiological verifications. Transport operations within BNI sites were also inspected. These inspections showed that the regulations applicable to road transport are correctly applied. The main areas for improvement concern the management of deviations, radiological verification procedures, the auditing of subcontracted activities, the provision andmonitoring of training, and operations traceability in compliance with the quality assurance provisions. The significant events had no notable impacts. They primarily concerned labelling and placarding anomalies, package classification errors resulting from insufficient radiological verifications, incomplete shipping documents and noncompliance with organisational provisions. 2. Additional information 2.1 Informing the public ASN held a press conference in Vincennes division on 18th October 2017 to present the results of its regional action. It took part in the meeting of the monitoring committee of the Curie site in Arcueil and the three meetings of the Fort de Vaujours monitoring committee.