ASN Report 2017
230 ASN report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2017 Chapter 08 - Regional overview of nuclear safety and radiation protection GRAND EST 2. Additional information 2.1 Informing the public Press conferences ASN held press conferences on the status of nuclear safety and radiation protection in the Grand Est region in Châlons-en- Champagne, Metz and Strasbourg on 3rd, 4th and 5th October 2015 respectively. Work with the Local Information Committees (CLIs) ASN took part in meetings of the Cattenom, Chooz, Fessenheim, Nogent-sur-Seine and Soulaines CLIs. During these meetings, ASN presented its assessment of the safety of these nuclear installations and its work on these sites and on the publication of the French National Radioactive Material and Waste Management Plan (PNGMDR) 2016-2018. Each of these CLIs organised a meeting open to the public, and those situated near borders received representatives from Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany, in accordance with the provisions of Act 2015-992 of 17th August 2015 relative to the Energy Transition for Green Growth. The agenda of the Cattenom CLI included in particular the new resolution relative to the prevention of the “legionella” risk and the presentation of the Anccli white paper “Emergency situation and post-accident management”. The Chooz CLI examined the organisation adopted for the extension of the radius of the public authority’s Off-site Emergency Plan (PPI) in an emergency situation and the change in the population protection measures. The Local Information and Monitoring Committee of Fessenheim examined in greater depth the subjects relating to the manufacturing and quality assurance anomalies at the Le Creusot forge and the problem of carbon segregations in forged parts. The implications of the announced shutdown of the NPP were also discussed. The Nogent-sur-Seine CLI continued the experimental process of periodically examining EDF’s replies to the follow-up letters sent by ASN further to its inspections and started looking into the monitoring of the next 10-yearly outage of reactor 1, scheduled for early 2019. ASN also took part in the general assemblies and meetings of the Bure Local Information and Follow-up Committee (CLIS) where it contributed to informing the local populations and to the initiative of discussions with civil society led by IRSN on the safety options file submitted by Andra. Lastly, ASN participated in the meeting of the regional network of PCRs of the Grand Est region. 2.2 International action The Châlons-en-Champagne division continued to maintain regular relations with the Belgian nuclear regulator, the AFCN. The cross-inspections continued in the areas of small-scale nuclear activities and nuclear industry facilities on the sites of Chooz and Tihange (Belgium). The division took part in the management committee meetings and the Franco-Belgian working group on nuclear safety. The Strasbourg division is actively involved in the bilateral relations with its German counterparts through the work of the Franco-German Commission (DFK) on the subjects of reactor safety and emergency situation preparedness; the subjects of joint interest relating to decommissioning and waste management have been introduced into the scope of the bilateral work. The Strasbourg division also participated actively in the work of the Franco-Swiss Commission and the Franco-Luxembourg Commission. 2.3 The other notable events A national emergency exercise was organised around the Cattenom NPP on 17th and 18th October 2017, mobilising the local, national and cross-border emergency management organisations. This exercise provided the opportunity to test the deployment and functioning of the emergency management systems and to study the operational procedures for the new 5-km evacuation radius, which will shortly be integrated in the off-site emergency plans.