ASN Report 2017

197 ASN report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2017 Chapter 07  - International relations STATUS ACTIVITIES ADMINIS- TRATION GOUVERN– MENT AGENCY INDEPENDENT AGENCY SAFETY OF CIVIL INSTALLATIONS RADIATION PROTECTION SECURITY (PROTECTION AGAINST MALICIOUS ACTS) SAFETY OF TRANSPORT COUNTRY/ REGULATORY AUTHORITY LARGE NUCLEAR FACILITIES OUTSIDE BNIs PATIENTS SOURCES NUCLEAR MATERIALS EUROPE Germany/ BMUB + Länder • • • • • • • • Belgium/ AFCN • • • • • • • • Spain/CSN • • • • • • • • Finland/ STUK • • • • • • • • France/ASN • • • • • • *** • United kingdom/ ONR • • • • • • Sweden/SSM • • • • • • • • Switzerland/ ENSI • • • • • OTHER COUNTRIES Canada/CCSN • • • • • • • • China/NNSA • • • • • • • Korea/NSSC • • • • • • • United States/ NRC • • • • • • • • ** India/AERB • • • • • • • • Japan/NRA • • • • • • • • Russia/ Rostekhnadzor • • • • • • • Ukraine/ SNRIU • • • • • • • • * Schematic, simplified representation of the main areas of competence of the entities (administration, independent agencies within government or independent agencies outside government) responsible for regulating nuclear activities in the world’s nuclear countries. ** National transports only. *** Responsibility for source security was given to ASN by the Ordinance of 10th February 2016. This provision came into force on 1st July 2017. COMPETENCIES of the main civil nuclear activity regulatory Authorities*