ASN Report 2017
164 ASN report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2017 Chapter 05 - Radiological emergency and post-accident situations a roof while work was being done in the controlled zone but had no consequences for the safety of the facilities and no environmental impact, as the fire was rapidly extinguished and was rated level 0 on the INES scale (International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale). The second event concerned blockage of a valve on reactor 2, entailing manual shutdown of the reactor. The licensee implemented its incident management procedures, enabling a controlled state to be restored in a few hours. This event, rated level 1 on the INES scale, had no environmental impact. Following each of these events, ASN carried out inspections which confirmed that the licensee had taken the necessary steps. Lessons were learned from these events. During exercises, or in the event of a real emergency, ASN is supported by an analysis team located at IRSN’s Technical Emergency Centre. ASN’s alert system allows mobilisation of its emergency centre staff and those of the IRSN. This automatic system sends an alert signal to the staff equipped with appropriate reception devices, as soon as it is remotely triggered by the BNI licensee originating the alert. It also sends the alert to the staff of the SGDSN, the DGSCGC, the Interministerial Emergency Management Operations Centre (Cogic), Météo-France and the ministerial operational monitoring and alert centre of the Ministry for Ecological and Solidarity-based Transition. The severity of the situation is evaluated by the various parties, who if necessary decide to activate their emergency management centres to manage the situation. In 2017, the legal framework for implementing an on-call duty system at ASN was finalised, jointly with the Ministry of Ecology. The deployment of this system in 2018 aims to guarantee the robustness and reactivity of ASN staff mobilisation and intervention. Diagram 3 summarises the role of ASN in a radiological emergency situation. This functional diagram illustrates the importance of the ASN representative to the Prefect, who relays and explains the recommendations coming from the ASN Emergency Centre. Table 1 shows the positions of the public authorities (Government, ASN and technical experts) and the licensees in a radiological emergency situation. These players each operate in their respective fields of competence with regard to assessment, decision-making, intervention and communication, for which regular audio-conferences are held. The exchanges between the players lead to decisions and orientations concerning the safety of the facility and the protection of the general public. Similarly, relations between the communication units and the spokespersons of the emergency centres ensure that the public and media are given coherent information. Organising a response to any other radiological emergency situation A radiological emergency toll-free telephone number (0800804135) enables ASN to receive calls notifying incidents involving sources of ionising radiation used outside BNIs or during the transport of radioactive substances. It is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The information given during the call is transmitted to the locally competent division or to the ASN duty staff outside working hours. Depending on the seriousness of the incident, ASN may decide to activate its emergency centre in Montrouge. If not, only the ASN local level (regional division concerned) intervenes to perform DIAGRAM 3: The role of ASN in a nuclear emergency situation COD: Departmental Operations Centre COZ: Zone Operations Centre CIC: French Inter-ministerial Crisis Committee CICNR: Inter-ministerial Committee for Nuclear or Radiological Emergencies CLI: Local Information Committee HCTISN: High Committee for Transparency and Information on Nuclear Security PC: Command Post Licensee Monitoring Inspections Binding requirements Recommendations for protection of the general public Information of the public Information International assistance ASN inspector on site Media Stakeholders (CLI, HCTISN, etc.) One ASN representative Structured and organised process CIC Government Prefect (COD, COZ) Two ASN representatives One ASN representative Embassy IAEA -EUOther countries ASN (Headquarters) Commission + Technical PC + Communication PC IRSN (Headquarters) Technical Emergency Centre (CTC)