ASN Report 2017
15 ASN report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2017 Roles, organisation and key figures Number of significant events rated on the ASN-SFRO scale 948 Level 1: 97 Level 0: 34 Level 2: 4 135 Basic Nuclear Installations (BNIs) Transport of radioactive substances Small-scale nuclear activities (medical and industry) 948 64 141 Number of significant events rated on the INES scale Level 1: 2 Level 0 : 64 Level 1: 87 Level 0: 949 Level 2: 4 Level 2: 3 Level 1: 36 Level 0: 144 1,0 0 6 83 INES International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale . ASN-SFRO Scale for radiation protection events affecting patients undergoing a medical radiotherapy procedure.