ASN Report 2017

142 ASN report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2017 Chapter 04  - Regulation of nuclear activities and exposure to ionising radiation GRAPH 10: Events involving the transport of radioactive substances notified in 2017 5 20 2 6 15 14 4 TOTAL 66 Deterioration of a containment barrier or a safety function Hazard affecting the material, package or conveyance Regulation irradiation or contamination limits exceeded Traceability anomaly (loss, delivery error, etc.) Other failures to comply with the regulations Repetition of events constituting early warning signs Other events considered to be significant Concerning the general public Concerning one or more patients (diagnostic purposes) Concerning one or more patients (therapeutic purposes) Loss, theft or discovery of radioactive sources or substances Other events concerning radiation protection Concerning one or more workers GRAPH 9: Events involving radiation protection (other than BNIs and RMT) notified in 2017 148 180 155 54 56 62 TOTAL 655 Likewise, significant events concerning the environment but involving non-radiological substances are not covered by the INES scale. Such events are classified as “out of INES scale” events. Graphs 5 to 10 describe in detail the significant events notified to ASN in 2017, differentiating between them according to the various notification criteria for each field of activity. 3.4 Heightening the awareness of professionals and cooperating with the other administrations Regulation is supplemented by awareness programmes designed to ensure familiarity with the regulations and their application in practical terms appropriate to the various professions. ASN aims to encourage and support initiatives by the professional organisations that implement this approach by issuing best practice and professional information guides. Awareness-raising also involves joint actions with other administrations and organisations which oversee the same facilities, but with different prerogatives. One could here mention the labour inspectorate, the medical devices inspectorate work by the ANSM, the medical activities inspectorate work entrusted to the technical services of the Ministry of Health, or the oversight of small-scale nuclear activities at the Ministry of Defence entrusted to the Armed Forces General Inspectorate, jointly with ASN. 3.5 Information about ASN’s regulatory activity ASN attaches importance to coordinating government departments and informs the other departments concerned of its inspection programme, the follow-up to its inspections, the penalties imposed on the licensees and any significant events. To ensure that its inspection work is transparent, ASN informs the public by placing the following on its website : ཛྷ ཛྷ inspection follow-up letters for all the activities it inspects; ཛྷ ཛྷ approvals and accreditations it issues or rejects; ཛྷ ཛྷ incident notifications; ཛྷ ཛྷ the results of reactor outages; ཛྷ ཛྷ its publications on specific subjects. 4. Monitoring the impact of nuclear activities and radioactivity in the environment 4.1 Monitoring discharges and the environmental and health impact of nuclear activities 4.1.1 Monitoring of discharges The BNI Order of 7th February 2012 and ASN resolution 2013-DC-0360 of 16th July 2013, amended, set the general requirements applicable to any BNI with regard to their water intake and discharges. In addition to these provisions, in its