ASN Report 2017

137 ASN report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2017 Chapter 04  - Regulation of nuclear activities and exposure to ionising radiation 3.1.7 Checks on exposure to Radon and Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) ASN also monitors radiation protection in premises where exposure of individuals to natural ionising radiation can be enhanced owing to the underlying geological context (radon in premises open to the public) or the characteristics of the materials used in industrial processes (non-nuclear industries). Monitoring exposure to radon Article R. 1333-15 of the Public Health Code and Article R. 4451-136 of the Labour Code provide for the radon activity concentration to be measured either by IRSN or by ASN approved organisations. These measurements are to be taken between 15th September of a given year and 30th April of the following year. For the 2017-2018 measurement campaign, the number of approved organisations is indicated in Table 5. Monitoring exposure to natural ionising radiation in non-nuclear industries The Order of 25th May 2005 defined the list of professional activities (ore or rare earth processing industries, spas and facilities treating groundwater for human consumption) requiring monitoring of human exposure to natural ionising radiation. In these activities, the materials used contain natural radionuclides likely to generate doses that are significant from the radiation protection standpoint. Monitoring natural radioactivity in water intended for human consumption Monitoring the natural radioactivity in water intended for human consumption is the role of the ARS. The procedures for these checks take account of the recommendations issued by ASN and are taken up in the DGS Circular of 13th June 2008. The results of the checks are jointly analysed and utilised by ASN and the services of the Ministry of Health. TABLE 5: Number of organisations approved for measuring radon levels APPROVAL UNTIL 15TH SEPTEMBER 2018  APPROVAL UNTIL 15TH SEPTEMBER 2019  APPROVAL UNTIL 15TH SEPTEMBER 2020  APPROVAL UNTIL 15TH SEPTEMBER 2021  APPROVAL UNTIL 15TH SEPTEMBER 2022  Level 1 option A* 19 5 8 15 11 Level 1 option B** 5 0 0 1 3 Level 2*** 1 0 1 3 1 * Workplace and premises open to the public for all building types ** Workplace, cavities and underground structures (except buildings) *** Represents complementary investigations 3.2 Assessment of the demonstrations provided by the licensee The purpose of the files supplied by the licensee is to demonstrate compliance with the objectives set by the general technical regulations, as well as those that it has set for itself. ASN is required to check the completeness of the data and the quality of the demonstration. The review of these files may lead ASN to accept or to reject the licensee’s proposals, to ask for additional information or studies or to ask for work to be done to bring the relevant items into conformity. 3.2.1 Analysing the files transmitted by (BNI) licensees Reviewing the supporting documents produced by the licensees and the technical meetings organised with them are one of the forms of control carried out by ASN. Whenever it deems necessary, ASN seeks the advice of technical support organisations, primarily IRSN. The safety review implies cooperation by numerous specialists, as well as efficient coordination, in order to identify the essential points relating to safety and radiation protection. IRSN assessment relies on research and development programmes and studies focused on risk prevention and on improving our knowledge of accidents. It is also based on in-depth technical discussions with the licensee teams responsible for designing and operating the plants. For the more important issues, ASN requests the opinion of the competent Advisory Committee of Experts (GPE). For other matters, IRSN examines the safety analyses and gives its opinion directly to ASN. ASN procedures for requesting the opinion of a technical support organisation and, where required, of an Advisory Committee, are described in point 2.5.2 of chapter 2. At the design and construction stage, ASN - aided by its technical support organisation – assesses the safety analysis reports describing and justifying the design principles, equipment and system design calculations, utilisation rules and test procedures, and quality organisation provisions implemented by the prime contractor and its suppliers. It also analyses the facility’s environmental impact assessment. ASN regulates and oversees the construction and manufacture of structures and equipment, in particular that of the main primary system and the main secondary systems of pressurised water reactors. In accordance with the same principles, it