ASN Report 2017

136 ASN report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2017 Chapter 04  - Regulation of nuclear activities and exposure to ionising radiation Information relative to the inspections ASN informs the public of the follow-up to the inspections by posting the inspection follow-up letters on-line at . Moreover, for each in-depth inspection, ASN publishes an information notice on . 3.1.3 Inspection of Basic Nuclear Installations (BNIs) and pressure equipment In 2017, 729 inspections were carried out to check BNIs and PE, more than 25% of which were unannounced. These inspections can be broken down into 359 inspections in the NPPs, 276 in the other BNIs (fuel cycle facilities, research facilities, facilities undergoing decommissioning, etc.) and 94 for pressure equipment. In 2017, an in-depth inspection was carried out on CEA’s Cadarache site, on the subject of waste management. The ASN labour inspectors also carried out 671 interventions during the 275 inspection days in the NPPs. The inspection breakdown by family of topics is shown in Graph 2. 3.1.4 Inspection of radioactive substances transport ASN carried out 111 inspections on transport activities, 39% of which were unannounced; their breakdown into topics is illustrated in Graph 3. 3.1.5 Inspection in the small-scale nuclear activities ASN organises its inspection activity so that it is proportionate to the radiological issues involved in the use of ionising radiation, and consistent with the actions of the other inspection services. In 2017, ASN carried out 811 inspections - 12% of which were unannounced - in some of the 50,000 or so nuclear facilities and activities in the sector. These inspections were more specifically divided among the medical (55%), industrial or research (37%) and veterinary (4.5%) sectors. The breakdown of small-scale nuclear sector inspections according to the various activity categories is described in Graph 4. 3.1.6 Inspection of ASN approved organisations and laboratories ASN carries out a second level of inspection on approved organisations and laboratories. In addition to reviewing the application file and issuing the approval, this comprises surveillance actions such as: ཛྷ ཛྷ approval audits (initial or renewal audit); ཛྷ ཛྷ checks to ensure that the organisation and operation of the entity concerned comply with the applicable requirements; ཛྷ ཛྷ checks, which are usually unannounced, to ensure that the organisation’s staff work in satisfactory conditions. In 2017, ASN carried out 100 inspections on approved organisations and laboratories, 38%of whichwere unannounced. GRAPH 4: Breakdown of small-scale nuclear activity inspections in 2017 per type of activity Interventional radiology Manufacture, distribution and use of sealed and unsealed sources External radiotherapy and brachytherapy Industrial radiography Nuclear medicine Computed tomography and conventional radiology Use of electrical devices emitting ionising radiation (fixed X-ray generator) Use of ionising radiation by veterinary surgeons Other industrial activities Other small-scale nuclear activities Other medical activities Use of gamma ray densitometers Dental radiology 117 35 27 24 17 9 6 168 120 48 64 71 105 TOTAL 811 inspections GRAPH 2: Breakdown of BNI inspections in 2017 by topic Personnel and organisation Nuclear safety Pressure equipment Effluent, waste and environmental monitoring General inspection and others Prevention of risks including fire Radiation protection Emergency management 94 22 199 173 28 61 62 90 TOTAL 729 inspections GRAPH 3: Breakdown of radioactive substances transport inspections in 2017 Road transport BNI consignments Shipments for medical purposes (including 18 F) Others (including safety advisor) Maintenance Non-approved packages (manufacturing and safety file) On-site transport operations (BNI Order) Fabrication Rail, air and maritime transport Safety management Industrial consignments including gamma radiography / gamma densitometry 16 5 3 3 1 32 19 6 7 9 10 TOTAL 111 inspections