ASN Report 2017
124 ASN report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2017 Chapter 03 - Regulations INTERVENTION TRIGGER LEVELS in cases of radiological emergencies (Public Health Code) REFERENCES DEFINITIONS VALUES OBSERVATIONS PROTECTION OF THE POPULATION Intervention levels Art. R.1333-80, Order of 14th October 2003, Circular of 10th March 2000 Expressed in effective dose (except for iodine), these levels are designed to assist with the relevant response decision to protect the general public: • sheltering • evacuation • administration of a stable iodine tablet (equivalent dose for the thyroid) 10 mSv 50 mSv 50 mSv The Prefect can make adjustments to take account of local factors PROTECTION OF PARTICIPANTS* Reference levels Art. R.1333-86 These levels are expressed as effective dose: • for the special technical or medical intervention teams • for the other participants 100 mSv 10 mSv This level is raised to 300 mSv when the intervention is designed to prevent or reduce exposure of a large number of people MAXIMUM PERMITTED LEVELS of radioactive contamination in livestock feedstuffs (caesium-134 and caesium-137) ANIMAL CATEGORIES Bq/kg Pork 1,250 Poultry, lamb, veal 2,500 Others 5,000 Source: Council regulation 2016/52/Euratom of 15th January 2016. OPTIMISATION LEVELS for patient protection (Public Health Code) REFERENCES DEFINITIONS VALUES OBSERVATIONS DIAGNOSTIC EXAMINATIONS Diagnostic reference level Article R.1333-68, Order of 16th February 2004 Dose levels for standard diagnostic examinations Ex.: entrance dose of 0.3 mGy or dose area product (DAP) of 25 2 for a single incidence for a frontal posteroanterior chest X-ray) • The diagnostic reference levels, the dose constraints and the dose target levels are used by applying the principle of optimisation. They are simply guidelines • The reference levels are created for standard patients by dose levels for typical radiology examinations and by the radioactivity levels of radiopharmaceutical products in diagnostic nuclear medicine Dose constraint Article R.1333-65, Order of 7th November 2007 Used when exposure offers no direct medical benefit to the person exposed. The dose constraint can be a fraction of a diagnostic reference level, in particular for exposure in the context of biomedical research or forensic procedures RADIOTHERAPY Target dose level Article R.1333-63 Dose necessary for a target organ or tissue in radiotherapy (experimentation) The target dose level (the term target volume is used in radiotherapy) is used to calibrate the equipment Appendix Regulation exposure limits and dose levels after * The provisions concerning protection of workers in a radiological emergency situation will be introduced and modified in the Labour Code (see point 1.2.1).