ASN Report 2017
123 ASN report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2017 Chapter 03 - Regulations MAXIMUM PERMITTED LEVELS for the consumption and sale of foodstuffs contaminated in the event of a nuclear accident MAXIMUM PERMITTED LEVELS OF RADIOACTIVE CONTAMINATION FOR FOODSTUFFS (Bq/Kg OU Bq/L) BABY FOOD DAIRY PRODUCTS OTHER FOODSTUFFS EXCEPT THOSE OF LESSER IMPORTANCE LIQUIDS INTENDED FOR CONSUMPTION Strontium isotopes, particularly strontium-90 75 125 750 125 Iodine isotopes, particularly iodine-131 150 500 2,000 500 Plutonium isotopes and alpha-emitting transuranian elements, particularly plutonium-239 and americium-241 1 20 80 20 Any other radionuclide with a half-life of more than 10 days, in particular 134 Cs and 137 Cs 400 1,000 1,250 1,000 Source: Council regulation 2016/52/Euratom of 15th January 2016. Regulation exposure limits and dose levels ANNUAL EXPOSURE LIMITS contained in the Public Health Code and in the Labour Code REFERENCES DEFINITIONS VALUES OBSERVATIONS ANNUAL LIMITS FOR THE GENERAL PUBLIC Article R.1333-8 of the Public Health Code • Effective dose 1 mSv/year • These limits comprise the sum of effective or equivalent doses received as a result of nuclear activities. These are limits that must not be exceeded. • Equivalent dose for the lens of the eye 15 mSv/year • Equivalent dose for the skin (average dose over any area of 1 cm 2 of skin, regardless of the area exposed) 50 mSv/year WORKER LIMITS FOR 12 CONSECUTIVE MONTHS Article R. 4451-6-8 of the Labour Code Adults • Effective dose • Equivalent dose for the hands, forearms, feet and ankles • Equivalent dose for the skin (average dose over any area of 1 cm 2 of skin, regardless of the area exposed) • Equivalent dose for the lens of the eye 20 mSv 500 mSv 500 mSv 150 mSv** • These limits comprise the sum of effective or equivalent doses received. These are limits that must not be exceeded. • Exceptional waivers are accepted: - when justified beforehand, they are scheduled in certain working areas and for a limited period, subject to special authorisation. These individual exposure levels are planned according to a ceiling limit which is no more than twice the annual exposure limit value. - emergency occupational exposure is possible in an emergency situation, in particular to save human life. Pregnant women • Exposure of the child to be born 1 mSv Young people from 15 to 18 years old*: • Effective dose • Equivalent dose for the hands, forearms, feet and ankles • Equivalent dose for the skin • Equivalent dose for the lens of the eye 6 mSv 150 mSv 150 mSv 50 mSv** * Only if covered by waivers, such as for apprentices. ** These limits will be modified by the decree under preparation concerning the protection of workers against the risks arising from ionising radiation (see point 1.2.1).